Oxidation product & SOA formation study on 2-methylbut-3-ene-1,2-diol (1,2-DHI) ozonolysis under humid (50% RH) conditions.
1,2-DHI and ammonium sulfate seed aerosol were injected into a humidified chamber and the bag was mixed and allowed to equilibrate. Ozone was injected over the course of 2 minutes with pulses of mixing air. Ozonolysis and SOA formation were allowed to continue for ~5.5 hours before shutdown. At ~4:15pm an MSMS scan of m/z 169 was performed to help identify this product.
Organization: Nguyen Group
Lab Affiliation: UC Davis
Chamber: Tran's big bag of air
Experiment Category: Gas phase chemical reaction, Aerosol formation
Oxidant: Ozone
Reactants: 2-methylbut-3-ene-1,2-diol, OZONE
Reaction Type: Dark oxidation
Relative Humidity: 56
Temperature: 22
Seed Name: Ammonium sulfate
Pressure: 755
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