Sep 15, 2023

MPAS-A moisture-sensitivity simulations with convection-permitting resolution and regional configuration using the Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS) version 7.3

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Version: 1.0

The dataset includes post-processed model outputs from 12 regional configuration moisture-sensitivity simulations using the MPAS-A version 7.3. The Limited-Area domain encompasses 30°S to 51°N and -65°W to 59°E. A 15-km-3-km variable-resolution mesh is used with the 3-km refinement region elliptically shaped. The mesh is rotated 5° to ensure the track of pre-Helene remains within the refined region. The refined region is over Africa and parts of the Atlantic. The reason to use a combined Limited-Area and variable-resolution mesh is to be computationally effective while giving sufficient resolution at the edge of the domain for the initial and lateral boundary conditions to be assimilated and resolved appropriately. The model was initialized using ERA5 data to simulate the period of the African easterly wave (AEW) that became hurricane Helene in 2006 as in: The regional configuration is used to allow altering initial and lateral boundary conditions of relative humidity (RH) through the entire atmospheric column using ERA5 pressure-level data. Perturbed experiments are done by randomly perturbing temperature at 1000 hPa (Gaussian with 0.6 K standard deviation). The dataset can be used to study this specific AEW case and other easterly waves, mesoscale convective systems, African weather, West African Monsoon, ITCZ, etc. Although the model produces 15-km--3-km horizontal grid outputs, the post-processed outputs available here were interpolated to a 0.25-degree by 0.25-degree latitude-by-longitude grid and 27 isobaric levels (in the vertical).

More details of the data and analysis are published in the Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES): Núñez Ocasio et al. 2024.

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Temporal Range
2006-09-08 12:00:00 to 2006-09-13 18:00:00
Temporal Resolution
1.0 hour
Spatial Resolution
0.25 degreesLatitude
0.25 degreesLongitude
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GCMD Science Keywords
  • Atmosphere > Atmospheric Water Vapor > Water Vapor Indicators > Humidity > Relative Humidity
  • Atmosphere > Weather Events > Rain Storms
  • Atmosphere > Weather Events > Tropical Cyclones > Tropical Depression Motion
  • Climate Indicators > Atmospheric/Ocean Indicators > Extreme Weather
  • Climate Indicators > Atmospheric/Ocean Indicators > Extreme Weather > Extreme Precipitation
  • Climate Indicators > Atmospheric/Ocean Indicators > Extreme Weather > Monsoon Onset/Intensity
  • Models > Atmospheric General Circulation Models
  • Models > Weather Research/Forecast Models
File Media Types
  • text/plain
  • application/x-netcdf
Support Contact
Kelly M. Núñez Ocasio
UCAR/NCAR - Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Laboratory

Data Curator
GDEX Curator

Funding for this project came from the NCAR Advanced Study Program while the author held an ASP Postdoctoral Fellowship.
Legal Constraints
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Full Metadata
ISO19139 XML
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Latitude Range
51.0° N to 30.0° S
Longitude Range
65.0° W to 59.0° E
Kelly M. Núñez Ocasio

Suggested Citation
Kelly M. Núñez Ocasio. (2023). MPAS-A moisture-sensitivity simulations with convection-permitting resolution and regional configuration using the Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS) version 7.3. Version 1.0. UCAR/NCAR - GDEX. Accessed 16 Sep 2024.
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