Determine SOA yield of OH radical oxidation of the VOC
Experiments were conducted in an 8.0 m3 FEP Teflon environmental
chamber in Boulder, CO, that was filled with clean, dry air [<5
ppb of hydrocarbons and <1% relative humidity (RH)] from
two Aadco clean air systems and operated at ambient
temperature (?23 °C) and pressure (?630 Torr). The VOC was
added to the chamber by evaporating a measured amount of
the compound from a heated glass bulb into a stream of
ultrahigh-purity (UHP) N2. Approximately 200 ?g m?3 dioctyl
sebacate (DOS) seed particles in UHP N2 were added from an
evaporation?condensation apparatus. Known amounts of
methyl nitrite and NO were prepared on a vacuum manifold
using a calibrated glass bulb and absolute pressure gauge and
then flushed into the chamber with UHP N2. Reactions were
initiated by turning on blacklights that covered two walls of the
chamber at 50% intensity (JNO2 = 0.37 h?1) for one hour. Photolysis of methyl nitrite created OH radicals with an average concentration of 4 × 107 molecules cm?3, as determined from the measured decay
of the VOC and estimated OH reaction rate constants. The
VOC, methyl nitrite, and NO concentrations were 1, 5, and 5
Organization: Ziemann
Lab Affiliation: University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA
Chamber: Janet (Chamber 1)
Experiment Category: Gas phase chemical reaction, Photolysis, any phase, Aerosol formation
Oxidant: Hydroxyl radical
Reactants: Methyl nitrite, Nitric oxide, 3-Decanol
Reaction Type: Photooxidation
Relative Humidity: <1
Temperature: 23
Seed Name: DOS
Pressure: 630
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