This dataset contains the necessary data supporting the paper titled "The role of diffuse electron precipitation in the formation of subauroral polarization streams", submitted by Lin et al., 2021. The dataset includes 1. the solar wind/IMF and SYMH indices used to drive the Multiscale Atmosphere-Geospace Environment (MAGE) model; 2. Electron precipitation energy flux (EnFlux), cross track ion drift, field-aligned current (FAC), and Pedersen conductance (SigmaP) sampled along three trajectories of DMSP F18 satellite during 17 March 2013 (08:28-08:38 UT, 11:18-11:28 UT, 13:00-13:10 UT), which are used to compare with the DMSP measurements; 3. Plasma pressure distribution in the magnetospheric equatorial plane, and EnFlux, FAC, westward ion drifts, at 06 UT, 07 UT, 09 UT, and 11 UT from the baseline run of MAGE simulation; 4. Two-dimensional distributions of EnFlux, FAC, zonal ion drifts and their latitudinal samplings at magnetic local time of 20 h from two MAGE simulation runs, one being the same from above mentioned, the other being a controlled run in which diffuse electron precipitation was turned off; 5. Zonal ion drifts, magnetospheric equatorial plane plasma density, and boundary locations of the EnFlux and downward FAC in both the ionosphere and magnetosphere; 6. Two-dimensional distributions of EnFlux, FAC, zonal ion drifts and their latitudinal samplings at magnetic local time of 20 h from another two MAGE simulation runs, one using the Fedder precipitation model, the other using the RCM+Zhang precipitation model with a loss rate of one-tenth.
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