Explore products formed due to isoprene + NO3 oxidation when under conditions that are more relevant to the atmosphere (i.e., NO3 and HO2 are both present in the chamber like ambient conditions). Turn on lights to confirm the formation of nitrooxyhydroxyepoxide from OH oxidation of nitrooxyhydroperoxide.
The experiment turned out well, and only a couple of instruments had an interference for formaldehyde. The NO CL monitor saw an interference and the LIF OHR saw diminished signal due to OH reacting with formaldehyde, but all other instruments ran smoothly. The LIF OHR was taken off of the experiment because the signal was too depleted to be useful. This helped save bag volume, so that the GTHOS could sample the entire experiment. Nitrooxyhydroperoxide, hydroxynitrate, and carbonylnitrate all formed in the dark and leveled off before turning on lights. When lights were turned on, nitrooxyhydroperoxide was oxidized via OH to nitrooxyhydroxyepoxide as expected.
Organization: 2014 FIXCIT Study
Lab Affiliation: California Institute of Technology
Chamber: Seinfeld chambers
Experiment Category: Gas phase chemical reaction
Oxidant: Nitrate radical
Reactants: ISOPRENE, Nitrogen dioxide, Ozone, Formaldehyde
Reaction Type: Dark oxidation
Relative Humidity: 5
Temperature: 26
Seed Name: N/A
Pressure: 750
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