These are simulation results from the thermosphere-ionosphere-electrodynamics GCM (TIEGCM) described in the manuscript "Importance of the lower atmospheric forcing and magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling in simulating neutral density during the February 2016 geomagnetic storm" by Maute et al. submitted to Frontiers. The study is focused on examining the effect on the neutral density of different lower boundary forcing and different high latitude forcing methods. The simulations are compared to Swarm-C neutral density along the satellite orbit.
There are three different TIEGCM simulations which output is provided and vary by their forcing
1. lower atmospheric forcing by WACCM-X/SD perturbations and mean, high latitude foricng via field-aligned current (labeled WacXBP_FAC)
2. lower atmospheric forcing by climatological Global Scale Wave Model GSWM) (perturbations) and climatological background, high latitude forcing via field-aligned current (labeled Climate_FAC)
3. lower atmospheric forcing by WACCM-X/SD perturbations and mean, high latitude forcing via Weimer empirical model (labeled WacXBP_Weimer)
There are two additional simulations for which the neutral density is provided
4. lower atmospheric forcing by WACCM-X/SD perturbations and climatological background, high latitude foricng via
field-aligned current (labeled WacXP_Bclimate_FAC)
5. lower atmospheric forcing by WACCM-X/SD symmetric perturbations (with respect to geographic latitude) and mean, high latitude foricng via field-aligned current (labeled WacXBPsym_FAC)
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