Determine the SOA yield, products and molar yield of SOA products for the reaction of catechol with OH in the presence of NOx at a low VOC:Ox ratio.
Reaction occurred in 5 minutes, was conducted at 20% lights, reacting 140 ppb of catechol. SOA mass yield was 145%, 4-nitrocatechol yield was 28%.
Organization: Ziemann
Lab Affiliation: University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA
Chamber: Janet (Chamber 1)
Experiment Category: Gas phase chemical reaction, Aerosol formation
Oxidant: Hydroxyl radical
Reactants: pyrocatechol, nitric oxide, methyl nitrite
Reaction Type: Photooxidation
Relative Humidity: 1
Temperature: 23
Seed Name: Dioctyl Sebacate
Pressure: 630 Torr
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