NetCDF Header

Global volcanic aerosol properties derived from emissions using CESM(WACCM)

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netcdf file:///data/71f914ad-16fe-4234-ad3b-5d1ef95675ea/ {
    time = UNLIMITED;   // (300 currently)
    lat = 96;
    lon = 144;
    lev = 88;
    ilev = 89;
    slat = 95;
    slon = 144;
    nbnd = 2;
    ncl9 = 300;
    ncl10 = 300;
    float AODNIR(time=300, lat=96, lon=144);
      :_FillValue = 1.0E36f; // float
      :missing_value = 1.0E36f; // float
      :units = "";
      :long_name = "Aerosol optical depth 1020 nm";
      :cell_methods = "time: mean";

    float AODNIRst(time=300, lat=96, lon=144);
      :_FillValue = 1.0E36f; // float
      :missing_value = 1.0E36f; // float
      :units = "";
      :long_name = "Stratospheric aerosol optical depth 1020 nm";
      :cell_methods = "time: mean";

    float AODUV(time=300, lat=96, lon=144);
      :_FillValue = 1.0E36f; // float
      :missing_value = 1.0E36f; // float
      :units = "";
      :long_name = "Aerosol optical depth 350 nm";
      :cell_methods = "time: mean";

    float AODUVst(time=300, lat=96, lon=144);
      :_FillValue = 1.0E36f; // float
      :missing_value = 1.0E36f; // float
      :units = "";
      :long_name = "Stratospheric aerosol optical depth 350 nm";
      :cell_methods = "time: mean";

    float AODVIS(time=300, lat=96, lon=144);
      :_FillValue = 1.0E36f; // float
      :missing_value = 1.0E36f; // float
      :units = "";
      :long_name = "Aerosol optical depth 550 nm";
      :cell_methods = "time: mean";

    float AODVISst(time=300, lat=96, lon=144);
      :_FillValue = 1.0E36f; // float
      :missing_value = 1.0E36f; // float
      :units = "";
      :long_name = "Stratospheric aerosol optical depth 550 nm";
      :cell_methods = "time: mean";

    float EXTINCT(time=300, lev=88, lat=96, lon=144);
      :mdims = 1; // int
      :_FillValue = 1.0E36f; // float
      :missing_value = 1.0E36f; // float
      :units = "/m";
      :long_name = "Aerosol extinction 550 nm";
      :cell_methods = "time: mean";

    float EXTINCTNIR(time=300, lev=88, lat=96, lon=144);
      :mdims = 1; // int
      :_FillValue = 1.0E36f; // float
      :missing_value = 1.0E36f; // float
      :units = "/m";
      :long_name = "Aerosol extinction 1020 nm";
      :cell_methods = "time: mean";

    float EXTINCTUV(time=300, lev=88, lat=96, lon=144);
      :mdims = 1; // int
      :_FillValue = 1.0E36f; // float
      :missing_value = 1.0E36f; // float
      :units = "/m";
      :long_name = "Aerosol extinction 350 nm";
      :cell_methods = "time: mean";

    float P(time=300, lev=88, lat=96, lon=144);
      :cell_methods = "time: mean";
      :long_name = "Pressure";
      :units = "Pa";
      :mdims = 1; // int

    double P0;
      :long_name = "reference pressure";
      :units = "Pa";

    float PS(time=300, lat=96, lon=144);
      :units = "Pa";
      :long_name = "Surface pressure";
      :cell_methods = "time: mean";

    float SADchem(time=300, lev=88, lat=96, lon=144);
      :mdims = 1; // int
      :units = "um2/cm3";
      :long_name = "Aerosol wet surface area density for chemistry";
      :cell_methods = "time: mean";
      :_FillValue = 9.96921E36f; // float

    float Z3(time=300, lev=88, lat=96, lon=144);
      :mdims = 1; // int
      :units = "m";
      :long_name = "Geopotential Height (above sea level)";
      :cell_methods = "time: mean";

    float arhomass(time=300, lev=88, lat=96, lon=144);
      :cell_methods = "time: mean";
      :long_name = "air density";
      :units = "g/cm3";
      :mdims = 1; // int

    int date(time=300);
      :long_name = "current date (YYYYMMDD)";
      :calendar = "gregorian";

    double gw(lat=96);
      :long_name = "gauss weights";

    double hyai(ilev=89);
      :long_name = "hybrid A coefficient at layer interfaces";

    double hyam(lev=88);
      :long_name = "hybrid A coefficient at layer midpoints";

    double hybi(ilev=89);
      :long_name = "hybrid B coefficient at layer interfaces";

    double hybm(lev=88);
      :long_name = "hybrid B coefficient at layer midpoints";

    double ilev(ilev=89);
      :long_name = "hybrid level at interfaces (1000*(A+B))";
      :units = "hPa";
      :positive = "down";
      :standard_name = "atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate";
      :formula_terms = "a: hyai b: hybi p0: P0 ps: PS";

    double lat(lat=96);
      :long_name = "latitude";
      :units = "degrees_north";

    double lev(lev=88);
      :long_name = "hybrid level at midpoints (1000*(A+B))";
      :units = "hPa";
      :positive = "down";
      :standard_name = "atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate";
      :formula_terms = "a: hyam b: hybm p0: P0 ps: PS";

    double lon(lon=144);
      :long_name = "longitude";
      :units = "degrees_east";

    float radeffwet(time=300, lev=88, lat=96, lon=144);
      :_FillValue = 9.96921E36f; // float
      :cell_methods = "time: mean";
      :long_name = "Aerosol wet effective radius";
      :units = "um";
      :mdims = 1; // int

    double slat(slat=95);
      :long_name = "staggered latitude";
      :units = "degrees_north";

    double slon(slon=144);
      :long_name = "staggered longitude";
      :units = "degrees_east";

    float so4(time=300, lev=88, lat=96, lon=144);
      :cell_methods = "time: mean";
      :long_name = "so4 concentration";
      :units = "kg/kg";
      :mdims = 1; // int

    float so4_nd(time=300, lev=88, lat=96, lon=144);
      :mdims = 1; // int
      :units = "molec/cm3";
      :long_name = "so4 number density";
      :cell_methods = "time: mean";

    double time(time=300);
      :long_name = "time";
      :units = "days since 1990-01-01 00:00:00";
      :calendar = "gregorian";
      :bounds = "time_bnds";

    double time_bnds(time=300, nbnd=2);
      :long_name = "time interval endpoints";

    double w_stag(slat=95);
      :long_name = "staggered latitude weights";

  // global attributes:
  :Conventions = "CF-1.0";
  :source = "CAM";
  :case = "f.e13.FSDW5.f19_f19.beta17_stratmam.35.Pin10Tg (1990-2010)\nf.e13.FSDW5.f19_f19.beta17_stratmam.42.volc2011-14 (2011-2014)";
  :title = "UNSET";
  :logname = "mmills";
  :host = "ys0549";
  :Version = "20151226";
  :revision_Id = "$Id$";
  :initial_file = "/glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/waccm/ic/";
  :topography_file = "/glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/met/";
  :time_period_freq = "month_1";
  :history = "Sat Dec 26 21:53:10 2015: ncrcat\nThu Dec 17 16:36:34 2015: ncks -d time,0,251\nTue Sep 29 22:22:20 2015: ncrcat -v P,P0,hyam,hybm,hyai,hybi,slat,slon,gw,w_stag,PS,date,time,Z3,ilev,EXTINCT,EXTINCTNIR,EXTINCTUV,SADchem,AODVISst,AODUVst,AODNIRst,so4,so4_nd,radeffwet,arhomass,AODVIS,AODUV,AODNIR h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/ h0mam/\nSat Sep 19 10:16:53 2015: ncks -A /glade/p/cesm/wawg_dev/mmills/archive//f.e13.FSDW5.f19_f19.beta17_stratmam.35.Pin10Tg/atm/proc/h0mam/ /glade/p/cesm/wawg_dev/mmills/archive//f.e13.FSDW5.f19_f19.beta17_stratmam.35.Pin10Tg/atm/proc/h0mam/";
  :NCO = "4.4.2";
  :nco_openmp_thread_number = 1; // int
  :data_title = "\nGlobal volcanic aerosol properties derived from emissions, 1990-2014, using CESM(WACCM)";
  :data_creator = "\nMike Mills, NCAR ACOM,";
  :cesm_contact = "WACCM liaison: Mike Mills, NCAR ACOM,";
  :other_contact = "Anja Schmidt University of Leeds, UK,";
  :data_reference = "Mills et al., submitted to JGR, 2015";
  :source_run_name = "f.e13.FSDW5.f19_f19.beta17_stratmam.35.Pin10Tg (1990-2010)\nf.e13.FSDW5.f19_f19.beta17_stratmam.39.volc2011-15 (2011-2014)";
  :emission_method = "\nEach day during which an eruption occurs, the emission\noccurs over 6 hours from 1200 to 1800UT.";
  :creation_date = "Sat Dec 26 22:00:59 MST 2015";
  :notes = "\nThis file is for the following volcanoes:\nYYYYMMDD LatMin  LatMax   Long  AltMin AltMax SO2(Tg) Name\n19900210  -7.930  -7.930 112.308  2.00 12.00  0.05000 Kelut\n19910615   0.000  15.000 120.350 18.00 20.00 10.00000 Pinatubo\n19910808 -45.900 -45.900 287.030 12.00 18.00  1.50000 Hudson_Cerro\n19920627  61.299  61.299 207.749  9.00 14.50  0.60000 Spurr\n19930130 -23.370 -23.370 292.270 15.00 23.00  0.40000 Lascar\n19940908  56.057  56.057 160.638 16.00 20.00  0.10000 Kliuchevskoi\n19940919  -4.271  -4.271 152.203 16.00 20.00  0.20000 Rabaul\n19961201  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.00  3.80  0.86000 Nyamuragira\n19990313  54.756  54.756 196.030 11.00 13.70  0.06300 Shishaldin\n19991116  -1.467  -1.467 281.558  5.00  8.00  0.00600 Tungurahua\n20000226  63.980  63.980 340.300 11.30 12.00  0.20000 Hekla\n20000627  34.079  34.079 139.529  0.70  2.00  0.27000 Miyake_jima\n20000928  -5.050  -5.050 151.330 13.00 15.00  0.05000 Ulawun\n20010116  -5.050  -5.050 151.330 12.00 14.00  0.03000 Ulawun\n20010202  52.825  52.825 190.056  9.00 11.00  0.00400 Cleveland\n20020925   2.300   2.300 125.370 18.00 20.00  0.05500 Ruang\n20021103  -0.077  -0.077 282.344 15.00 16.80  0.09600 Reventador\n20030510  16.350  16.350 145.670 14.00 15.00  0.06500 Anatahan\n20030712  16.720  16.720 297.820 12.00 15.00  0.14000 Soufriere_Hills\n20050127  -4.080  -4.080 145.037 18.00 19.00  0.18000 Manam\n20050412  16.350  16.350 145.670  9.00 10.00  0.07000 Anatahan\n20051022  -0.830  -0.830 268.830 14.00 15.00  0.36000 Negra_Sierra\n20060227  -4.080  -4.080 145.037  2.00 12.00  0.08000 Manam\n20060519  16.720  16.720 297.820 19.00 20.00  0.20000 Soufriere_Hills\n20060714  -1.467  -1.467 281.558  5.10 16.00  0.01200 Tungurahua\n20060816  -1.467  -1.467 281.558  5.10 16.00  0.03500 Tungurahua\n20061007  -4.271  -4.271 152.203 17.00 18.00  0.23000 Rabaul_Tavurvur\n20061128  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.00  9.00  0.20000 Nyamuragira\n20061129  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.00  8.00  0.47000 Nyamuragira\n20061130  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.00  8.00  0.68000 Nyamuragira\n20061201  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.00  8.00  0.69000 Nyamuragira\n20061202  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.00  8.00  0.61000 Nyamuragira\n20070404 -21.240 -21.240  55.710  3.00  9.00  0.05000 Piton_de_la_Fournaise\n20070930  15.550  15.550  41.830 15.00 16.00  0.08000 Tair_Jebel_at\n20080101 -38.692 -38.692 288.271  3.70 12.50  0.03000 Llaima\n20080501  -0.920  -0.920 269.000  1.60  3.00  0.02532 Cerro_Azul_Galapagos\n20080502  -0.920  -0.920 269.000  1.60  3.00  0.00372 Cerro_Azul_Galapagos\n20080502 -42.833 -42.833 287.354  7.00 21.00  0.01000 Chaiten\n20080503  -0.920  -0.920 269.000  1.60  3.00  0.00179 Cerro_Azul_Galapagos\n20080504  -0.920  -0.920 269.000  1.60  3.00  0.00277 Cerro_Azul_Galapagos\n20080505  -0.920  -0.920 269.000  1.60  3.00  0.01843 Cerro_Azul_Galapagos\n20080506  -0.920  -0.920 269.000  1.60  3.00  0.01596 Cerro_Azul_Galapagos\n20080507  -0.920  -0.920 269.000  1.60  3.00  0.02303 Cerro_Azul_Galapagos\n20080508  -0.920  -0.920 269.000  1.60  3.00  0.01769 Cerro_Azul_Galapagos\n20080509  -0.920  -0.920 269.000  1.60  3.00  0.00717 Cerro_Azul_Galapagos\n20080510  -0.920  -0.920 269.000  1.60  3.00  0.00533 Cerro_Azul_Galapagos\n20080530  -0.920  -0.920 269.000  1.60  3.00  0.01183 Cerro_Azul_Galapagos\n20080531  -0.920  -0.920 269.000  1.60  3.00  0.03548 Cerro_Azul_Galapagos\n20080712  53.430  53.430 191.870 10.00 16.00  0.12200 Okmok\n20080808  52.177  52.177 184.492 10.00 18.00  1.70000 Kasatochi\n20090323  60.485  60.485 207.258 11.00 18.90  0.07000 Redoubt\n20090324  60.485  60.485 207.258  9.00 10.00  0.08400 Redoubt\n20090326  60.485  60.485 207.258  3.00  4.00  0.02750 Redoubt\n20090327  60.485  60.485 207.258  8.00  9.00  0.01880 Redoubt\n20090328  60.485  60.485 207.258  7.00  8.00  0.07500 Redoubt\n20090401  60.485  60.485 207.258  6.00  7.00  0.01770 Redoubt\n20090404  60.485  60.485 207.258  2.80  3.80  0.02690 Redoubt\n20090409  60.485  60.485 207.258  6.00  7.00  0.01400 Redoubt\n20090412  60.485  60.485 207.258  7.00  8.00  0.01260 Redoubt\n20090413  60.485  60.485 207.258  5.00  6.00  0.01080 Redoubt\n20090424  60.485  60.485 207.258  5.00  6.00  0.01000 Redoubt\n20090615  48.092  48.092 153.200 11.00 15.00  0.60000 Sarychev_Peak\n20090616  48.092  48.092 153.200 11.00 15.00  0.60000 Sarychev_Peak\n20100211  16.720  16.720 297.820  1.00 15.00  0.03000 Soufriere_Hills\n20100414  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  9.50  0.06020 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100415  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  6.50  0.02656 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100416  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  9.20  0.03866 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100417  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  8.00  0.02857 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100418  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  4.50  0.00953 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100419  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  4.50  0.00208 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100420  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  4.00  0.00040 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100421  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  3.00  0.00476 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100422  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  4.50  0.00508 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100423  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  4.80  0.00510 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100424  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  3.70  0.00514 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100425  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  4.00  0.00404 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100426  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  4.80  0.00705 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100427  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  3.70  0.00432 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100428  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  4.00  0.01455 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100429  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  3.60  0.01023 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100430  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  5.10  0.00391 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100501  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  5.40  0.00415 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100502  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  5.40  0.00378 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100503  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  5.50  0.00502 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100504  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  6.00  0.00697 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100505  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  9.00  0.02669 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100506  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  6.80  0.00517 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100507  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  7.50  0.00396 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100508  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  5.50  0.00302 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100509  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  5.50  0.00217 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100510  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  5.50  0.00209 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100511  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  6.00  0.00709 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100512  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  5.50  0.00294 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100513  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  9.00  0.01736 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100514  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  7.00  0.01530 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100515  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  7.00  0.01332 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100516  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  8.00  0.02100 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100517  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  7.00  0.01396 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100518  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  6.00  0.00267 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100519  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  5.50  0.00179 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100520  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  4.00  0.00102 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100521  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  3.50  0.00055 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20100522  63.630  63.630 340.380  1.66  2.90  0.00001 Eyjafjallajoekull\n20101108  -7.542  -7.542 110.442 14.00 15.20  0.44000 Merapi\n20101212  56.650  56.650 161.360  3.30  5.00  0.02000 Sheveluch\n20110521  64.420  64.420 342.670 15.00 20.00  0.07000 Grimsvoetn\n20110522  64.420  64.420 342.670 10.00 15.00  0.20000 Grimsvoetn\n20110523  64.420  64.420 342.670  5.00 10.00  0.30000 Grimsvoetn\n20110604 -40.590 -40.590 287.883 12.00 13.70  0.25000 Puyehue_Cordon_Caulle\n20110613  13.370  13.370  41.700  9.70 17.00  1.50000 Nabro\n20110614  13.370  13.370  41.700  2.50  7.80  0.51000 Nabro\n20110615  13.370  13.370  41.700  2.50  6.80  0.74000 Nabro\n20110616  13.370  13.370  41.700  2.50  9.20  0.57000 Nabro\n20110617  13.370  13.370  41.700  2.50  9.50  0.20000 Nabro\n20110618  13.370  13.370  41.700  2.50  6.70  0.20000 Nabro\n20110619  13.370  13.370  41.700  2.50  6.50  0.23000 Nabro\n20110620  13.370  13.370  41.700  2.50  5.20  0.24000 Nabro\n20110621  13.370  13.370  41.700  2.50  5.20  0.23000 Nabro\n20110622  13.370  13.370  41.700  2.50  5.70  0.16000 Nabro\n20110623  13.370  13.370  41.700  2.50  5.90  0.11000 Nabro\n20110624  13.370  13.370  41.700  2.50  6.20  0.01000 Nabro\n20110625  13.370  13.370  41.700  2.50  5.10  0.11000 Nabro\n20110626  13.370  13.370  41.700  2.50  4.60  0.13000 Nabro\n20110627  13.370  13.370  41.700  2.50  4.70  0.07000 Nabro\n20110628  13.370  13.370  41.700  2.50  6.00  0.07000 Nabro\n20111106  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  8.00  0.03693 Nyamuragira\n20111107  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  8.00  0.06767 Nyamuragira\n20111108  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  8.00  0.09209 Nyamuragira\n20111109  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.10611 Nyamuragira\n20111110  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.10798 Nyamuragira\n20111111  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.09879 Nyamuragira\n20111112  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.08216 Nyamuragira\n20111113  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.06280 Nyamuragira\n20111114  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.04496 Nyamuragira\n20111115  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.03118 Nyamuragira\n20111116  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.02213 Nyamuragira\n20111117  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01707 Nyamuragira\n20111118  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01471 Nyamuragira\n20111119  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01384 Nyamuragira\n20111120  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01363 Nyamuragira\n20111121  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01363 Nyamuragira\n20111122  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01370 Nyamuragira\n20111123  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01371 Nyamuragira\n20111124  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01372 Nyamuragira\n20111125  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01372 Nyamuragira\n20111126  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01372 Nyamuragira\n20111127  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01372 Nyamuragira\n20111128  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01372 Nyamuragira\n20111129  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01372 Nyamuragira\n20111130  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01372 Nyamuragira\n20111201  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01372 Nyamuragira\n20111202  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01372 Nyamuragira\n20111203  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01372 Nyamuragira\n20111204  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01372 Nyamuragira\n20111205  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01372 Nyamuragira\n20111206  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01372 Nyamuragira\n20111207  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01372 Nyamuragira\n20111208  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01372 Nyamuragira\n20111209  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01372 Nyamuragira\n20111210  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01372 Nyamuragira\n20111211  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01372 Nyamuragira\n20111212  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01372 Nyamuragira\n20111213  -1.408  -1.408  29.200  3.10  6.00  0.01372 Nyamuragira\n20120918   1.108   1.108 124.725  1.80  9.10  0.01000 Soputan\n20121222 -37.860 -37.860 288.800  3.00  9.00  0.20000 Copahue\n20130202  -8.320  -8.320 121.708  1.00 13.70  0.03000 Paluweh\n20140111   3.120   3.120  98.392  2.50  5.00  0.08000 Sinabung\n20140213  -7.930  -7.930 112.308 17.00 26.00  0.30000 Kelut\n20140530  -8.180  -8.180 119.058 13.70 15.20  0.10000 Sangeang_Api";
  :data_doi = "10.5065/D6S180JM";
  :data_source_url = "";
  :data_summary = "We have compiled a database of volcanic SO2 emissions\nand plume altitudes for eruptions from 1990 to 2014, and developed a\nnew prognostic capability for simulating stratospheric sulfate aerosols\nin the Community Earth System Model (CESM). We used these combined with\nother non-volcanic emissions of sulfur sources to reconstruct global\naerosol properties from 1990 to 2014. All output are monthly averages.\n1990-2014 simulations were nudged with meteorological fields from MERRA.";