NetCDF Header

TIEGCM results associated with "Dynamics and electrodynamics of an UFKW packet in the ionosphere and thermosphere"

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netcdf file:///data/0f895617-4ce9-4743-b72b-df98b767c13b/ {
    time = UNLIMITED;   // (2016 currently)
    lat = 72;
    lon = 144;
    mtimedim = 3;
    rmlon = 144;
    rmlat = 72;
    double time(time=2016);
      :long_name = "time";
      :units = "minutes since 2009-8-8 0:0:0";
      :initial_year = 2009; // int
      :initial_day = 220; // int
      :initial_mtime = 220, 0, 0; // int

    int mtime(time=2016, mtimedim=3);
      :long_name = "model times (day, hour, minute)";
      :units = "day, hour, minute";

    double lat(lat=72);
      :long_name = "geographic latitude (-south, +north)";
      :units = "degrees_north";

    double lon(lon=144);
      :long_name = "geographic longitude (-west, +east)";
      :units = "degrees_east";

    float WN325(time=2016, lat=72, lon=144);
      :_FillValue = 9.96921E36f; // float
      :long_name = "upward neutral wind WN";
      :units = "cm/s";
      :missing_value_original = 1.0E36; // double
      :missing_value = 1.0E36f; // float

    double ctpoten(time=2016);
      :long_name = "Cross-tail potential";
      :units = "kV";

    double hpower(time=2016);
      :long_name = "Hemispheric power";
      :units = "GW";

    double kp(time=2016);
      :long_name = "Kp index";
      :data_source = "[none]";

    double f107d(time=2016);
      :long_name = "Daily 10.7 cm solar flux";
      :units = "1.e-22 W/m2/Hz";

    double f107a(time=2016);
      :long_name = "81-day average 10.7 cm solar flux";
      :units = "1.e-22 W/m2/Hz";

    float hgt(time=2016);

    double rmlon(rmlon=144);
      :long_name = "magn. longitude";
      :units = "degrees";

    double rmlat(rmlat=72);
      :long_name = "magn. latitude";
      :units = "degrees";

    double WN_325_mag(time=2016, rmlat=72, rmlon=144);
      :long_name = "WN_325_mag";
      :units = "cm/s";

    double geolon(rmlat=72, rmlon=144);
      :long_name = "geolon";
      :units = "deg";

    double geolat(rmlat=72, rmlon=144);
      :long_name = "geolat";
      :units = "deg";

    double maglon(lat=72, lon=144);
      :long_name = "maglon";
      :units = "deg";

    double maglat(lat=72, lon=144);
      :long_name = "maglat";
      :units = "deg";

  // global attributes:
  :creation_date = "Mon Oct 28 15:37:16 MDT 2019";
  :source_file = "/glade/p/hao/itmodel/maute/tiegcm2009_hsrForbes/timegcm_out/tiegcm_hsr_2009_cB_27PWeast_woGPI/ to /glade/p/hao/itmodel/maute/tiegcm2009_hsrForbes/timegcm_out/tiegcm_hsr_2009_cB_27PWeast_woGPI/";
  :title = "linear interpolate to hgt using ZG";