NetCDF Header

Representative Hillslope Geomorphic Parameters 0.9x1.25

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netcdf file:///data/156d3662-a1b1-47b9-ad36-62a1b117b921/ {
    lsmlon = 288;
    lsmlat = 192;
    nhillslope = 4;
    nmaxhillcol = 16;
    double hillslope_elevation(nmaxhillcol=16, lsmlat=192, lsmlon=288);
      :units = "m";
      :long_name = "hillslope elevation above channel";

    double hillslope_distance(nmaxhillcol=16, lsmlat=192, lsmlon=288);
      :units = "m";
      :long_name = "hillslope distance from channel";

    double hillslope_width(nmaxhillcol=16, lsmlat=192, lsmlon=288);
      :units = "m";
      :long_name = "hillslope width";

    double hillslope_area(nmaxhillcol=16, lsmlat=192, lsmlon=288);
      :units = "m2";
      :long_name = "hillslope area";

    double hillslope_slope(nmaxhillcol=16, lsmlat=192, lsmlon=288);
      :units = "m/m";
      :long_name = "hillslope slope";

    double hillslope_aspect(nmaxhillcol=16, lsmlat=192, lsmlon=288);
      :units = "radians";
      :long_name = "hillslope aspect (clockwise from North)";

    double hillslope_bedrock_depth(nmaxhillcol=16, lsmlat=192, lsmlon=288);
      :units = "meters";
      :long_name = "hillslope bedrock depth";

    double hillslope_stream_depth(lsmlat=192, lsmlon=288);
      :units = "meters";
      :long_name = "stream channel bankfull depth";

    double hillslope_stream_width(lsmlat=192, lsmlon=288);
      :units = "meters";
      :long_name = "stream channel bankfull width";

    double hillslope_stream_slope(lsmlat=192, lsmlon=288);
      :units = "m/m";
      :long_name = "stream channel slope";

    int nhillcolumns(lsmlat=192, lsmlon=288);
      :units = "unitless";
      :long_name = "number of columns per landunit";

    double pct_hillslope(nhillslope=4, lsmlat=192, lsmlon=288);
      :units = "per cent";
      :long_name = "percent hillslope of landunit";

    int hillslope_index(nmaxhillcol=16, lsmlat=192, lsmlon=288);
      :units = "unitless";
      :long_name = "hillslope_index";

    int column_index(nmaxhillcol=16, lsmlat=192, lsmlon=288);
      :units = "unitless";
      :long_name = "column index";

    int downhill_column_index(nmaxhillcol=16, lsmlat=192, lsmlon=288);
      :units = "unitless";
      :long_name = "downhill column index";

    double LONGXY(lsmlat=192, lsmlon=288);
      :units = "degrees east";
      :long_name = "longitude";

    double LATIXY(lsmlat=192, lsmlon=288);
      :units = "degrees north";
      :long_name = "latitude";

    double AREA(lsmlat=192, lsmlon=288);
      :units = "km^2";
      :long_name = "area";

  // global attributes:
  :input_file = "/glade/campaign/cesm/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/";
  :creation_date = "2024-04-16";