NetCDF Header
Data for Exploring the Relative Contribution of the MJO and ENSO to Midlatitude Subseasonal Predictability
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netcdf file:///data/e60e7fa2-964e-4d21-8e7f-a2964efd21f0/ {
time = 380;
lat = 192;
lon = 288;
double time(time=380);
:_FillValue = -900.0; // double
:long_name = "time";
:bounds = "time_bnds";
:units = "days since 0001-01-01";
:calendar = "noleap";
:_ChunkSizes = 380U; // uint
double lat(lat=192);
:_FillValue = -900.0; // double
:long_name = "latitude";
:units = "degrees_north";
:_ChunkSizes = 192U; // uint
float Z500(time=380, lat=192, lon=288);
:_FillValue = NaNf; // float
:units = "m";
:long_name = "Geopotential Z at 500 mbar pressure surface";
:cell_methods = "time: mean";
double lon(lon=288);
:_FillValue = -900.0; // double
:long_name = "longitude";
:units = "degrees_east";
:_ChunkSizes = 288U; // uint
// global attributes: