NetCDF Header

Data for Exploring the Relative Contribution of the MJO and ENSO to Midlatitude Subseasonal Predictability

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netcdf file:///data/e60e7fa2-964e-4d21-8e7f-a2964efd21f0/ {
    nlat = 384;
    nlon = 320;
    time = 109500;
    double ULONG(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :long_name = "array of u-grid longitudes";
      :units = "degrees_east";

    double ULAT(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :long_name = "array of u-grid latitudes";
      :units = "degrees_north";

    double TLONG(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :long_name = "array of t-grid longitudes";
      :units = "degrees_east";

    double TLAT(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :long_name = "array of t-grid latitudes";
      :units = "degrees_north";

    double time(time=109500);
      :_FillValue = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :long_name = "time";
      :bounds = "time_bound";
      :units = "days since 0000-01-01";
      :calendar = "noleap";
      :_ChunkSizes = 109500U; // uint

    float SST(time=109500, nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :long_name = "Surface Potential Temperature";
      :_FillValue = 9.96921E36f; // float
      :cell_methods = "time: mean";
      :missing_value = 9.96921E36f; // float
      :units = "degC";
      :coordinates = "TLONG TLAT time";
      :grid_loc = "2110";
      :_ChunkSizes = 7300U, 24U, 20U; // uint

    int REGION_MASK(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :coordinates = "TLONG TLAT";
      :missing_value = -2147483647; // int
      :_FillValue = -2147483647; // int
      :long_name = "basin index number (signed integers)";
      :_ChunkSizes = 384U, 320U; // uint

    double UAREA(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :long_name = "area of U cells";
      :units = "centimeter^2";
      :coordinates = "ULONG ULAT";
      :missing_value = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :_ChunkSizes = 384U, 320U; // uint

    double TAREA(nlat=384, nlon=320);
      :_FillValue = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :long_name = "area of T cells";
      :units = "centimeter^2";
      :coordinates = "TLONG TLAT";
      :missing_value = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
      :_ChunkSizes = 384U, 320U; // uint

  // global attributes: