NetCDF Header

Data for Exploring the Relative Contribution of the MJO and ENSO to Midlatitude Subseasonal Predictability

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netcdf file:///data/e60e7fa2-964e-4d21-8e7f-a2964efd21f0/ {
    time = 109381;
    longitude = 288;
    float RMM1_CESM2(time=109381);
      :_FillValue = NaNf; // float
      :units = "stddev";
      :standard_name = "RMM1";
      :long_name = "RMM1";

    float RMM2_CESM2(time=109381);
      :_FillValue = NaNf; // float
      :units = "stddev";
      :standard_name = "RMM2";
      :long_name = "RMM2";

    float RMMind_CESM2(time=109381);
      :_FillValue = NaNf; // float

    double RMMphase_CESM2(time=109381);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double

    float olr_norm(time=109381, longitude=288);
      :_FillValue = NaNf; // float
      :units = "stddev";
      :standard_name = "outgoing longwave - normalized";
      :long_name = "outgoing longwave - normalized";

    float eof1_olr(longitude=288);
      :_FillValue = NaNf; // float

    float eof2_olr(longitude=288);
      :_FillValue = NaNf; // float

    float eof1_u850(longitude=288);
      :_FillValue = NaNf; // float

    float eof2_u850(longitude=288);
      :_FillValue = NaNf; // float

    float eof1_u200(longitude=288);
      :_FillValue = NaNf; // float

    float eof2_u200(longitude=288);
      :_FillValue = NaNf; // float

    float u200_norm(time=109381, longitude=288);
      :_FillValue = NaNf; // float
      :units = "stddev";
      :standard_name = "u200 normalized";
      :long_name = "u200 normalized";

    float u850_norm(time=109381, longitude=288);
      :_FillValue = NaNf; // float
      :units = "stddev";
      :standard_name = "u200 normalized";
      :long_name = "u200 normalized";

    long time(time=109381);
      :calendar = "proleptic_gregorian";
      :units = "days since 1801-04-30";

    double longitude(longitude=288);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double

  // global attributes:
  :title = "CESM2- model years 0101-400 - MJO RMM Forecast eof(u850,u200,olr)";
  :description = "MJO obs in the CESM2 dataset calculated as in Wheeler and Hendon 2004, a 120-day filter, 15S-15N averaged variables ";