NetCDF Header
MAGE Model Simulation of the Pre-reversal Enhancement and Comparison with ICON and Jicamarca ISR Observations
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netcdf file:///data/707f4835-36c8-4fbe-bf48-3536c87fbe20/ {
time = UNLIMITED; // (12 currently)
lon = 288;
lat = 144;
lev = 57;
ilev = 57;
mlon = 81;
mlat = 97;
mlev = 63;
imlev = 63;
mtimedim = 3;
latlon = 2;
dtidedim = 2;
sdtidedim = 10;
datelen = 24;
filelen = 1024;
double time(time=12);
:long_name = "time";
:units = "minutes since 2020-8-31 0:0:0";
:initial_year = 2020; // int
:initial_day = 244; // int
:initial_mtime = 244, 0, 0; // int
:_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint
double lon(lon=288);
:long_name = "geographic longitude (-west, +east)";
:units = "degrees_east";
double lat(lat=144);
:long_name = "geographic latitude (-south, +north)";
:units = "degrees_north";
double lev(lev=57);
:long_name = "midpoint levels";
:short_name = "ln(p0/p)";
:units = ;
:positive = "up";
:standard_name = "atmosphere_ln_pressure_coordinate";
:formula_terms = "p0: p0 lev: lev";
:formula = "p(k) = p0 * exp(-lev(k))";
double ilev(ilev=57);
:long_name = "interface levels";
:short_name = "ln(p0/p)";
:units = ;
:positive = "up";
:standard_name = "atmosphere_ln_pressure_coordinate";
:formula_terms = "p0: p0 lev: ilev";
:formula = "p(k) = p0 * exp(-ilev(k))";
double mlon(mlon=81);
:long_name = "magnetic longitude (-west, +east)";
:units = "degrees_east";
double mlat(mlat=97);
:long_name = "magnetic latitude (-south, +north)";
:units = "degrees_north";
double mlev(mlev=63);
:long_name = "magnetic midpoint levels";
:short_name = "ln(p0/p)";
:units = ;
:positive = "up";
:standard_name = "atmosphere_ln_pressure_coordinate";
:formula_terms = "p0: p0 lev: mlev";
:formula = "p(k) = p0 * exp(-mlev(k))";
double imlev(imlev=63);
:long_name = "magnetic interface levels";
:short_name = "ln(p0/p)";
:units = ;
:positive = "up";
:standard_name = "atmosphere_ln_pressure_coordinate";
:formula_terms = "p0: p0 lev: imlev";
:formula = "p(k) = p0 * exp(-imlev(k))";
int mtime(time=12, mtimedim=3);
:long_name = "model times (day, hour, minute)";
:units = "day, hour, minute";
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 3U; // uint
int year(time=12);
:long_name = "calendar year";
:_ChunkSizes = 1024U; // uint
int day(time=12);
:long_name = "calendar day";
:_ChunkSizes = 1024U; // uint
int calendar_advance(time=12);
:long_name = "calendar advance flag (1 if advancing calendar time)";
:_ChunkSizes = 1024U; // uint
char write_date(time=12, datelen=24);
:long_name = "Date and time each history was written";
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 24U; // uint
int iter(time=12);
:long_name = "number of time steps from model time 0,0,0";
:_ChunkSizes = 1024U; // uint
int ntask_mpi(time=12);
:long_name = "Number of MPI tasks";
:_ChunkSizes = 1024U; // uint
int coupled_cmit(time=12);
:long_name = "1 if coupled with CISM/CMIT, 0 otherwise";
:_ChunkSizes = 1024U; // uint
double ut(time=12);
:long_name = "universal time (from model time hour and minute)";
:units = "hours";
:_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint
int timestep;
:long_name = "timestep";
:units = "seconds";
double f107d(time=12);
:long_name = "Daily 10.7 cm solar flux";
:units = "1.e-22 W/m2/Hz";
:_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint
double f107a(time=12);
:long_name = "81-day average 10.7 cm solar flux";
:units = "1.e-22 W/m2/Hz";
:_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint
double hpower(time=12);
:long_name = "Hemispheric power";
:units = "GW";
:_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint
double ctpoten(time=12);
:long_name = "Cross-tail potential";
:units = "kV";
:_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint
double Kp(time=12);
:long_name = "Kp index";
:data_source = "gpi_ncfile";
:_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint
double bximf(time=12);
:long_name = "BX component of IMF";
:units = "nT";
:_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint
double byimf(time=12);
:long_name = "BY component of IMF";
:units = "nT";
:_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint
double bzimf(time=12);
:long_name = "BZ component of IMF";
:units = "nT";
:_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint
double swvel(time=12);
:long_name = "Solar wind velocity";
:units = "km/s";
:_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint
double swden(time=12);
:long_name = "Solar wind density";
:units = "cm3";
:_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint
double al(time=12);
:long_name = "Lower magnetic auroral activity index";
:units = "nT";
:_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint
double colfac(time=12);
:long_name = "ion/neutral collision factor";
:_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint
double joulefac(time=12);
:long_name = "joule heating factor";
:_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint
double dtide(time=12, dtidedim=2);
:long_name = "amplitude and phase of diurnal tide mode (1,1)";
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 2U; // uint
double sdtide(time=12, sdtidedim=10);
:long_name = "amplitudes and phases of semi-diurnal tide";
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 10U; // uint
char ncep_ncfile(time=12, filelen=1024);
:long_name = "ncep data file";
:data = "10 mb lower boundary for TN and Z";
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 1024U; // uint
char gpi_ncfile(time=12, filelen=1024);
:long_name = "GeoPhysical Indices data file";
:data = "Kp, f107, f107a, ctpoten, power";
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 1024U; // uint
char saber_ncfile(time=12, filelen=1024);
:long_name = "SABER lbc data file";
:data = "T,Z";
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 1024U; // uint
char tidi_ncfile(time=12, filelen=1024);
:long_name = "TIDI lbc data file";
:data = "U,V";
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 1024U; // uint
char bgrddata_ncfile(time=12, filelen=1024);
:long_name = "background lbc data file";
:data = "T,U,Z";
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 1024U; // uint
char ctmt_ncfile(time=12, filelen=1024);
:long_name = "CTMT lbc data file";
:data = "U,V, T, Z";
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 1024U; // uint
char see_ncfile(time=12, filelen=1024);
:long_name = "TIMED SEE data file";
:data = "Solar flux data";
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 1024U; // uint
char imf_ncfile(time=12, filelen=1024);
:long_name = "IMF data file";
:data = "Bx,By,Bz,Swvel,Swden,Kp,f107,f107a";
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 1024U; // uint
char gswm_mi_di_ncfile(time=12, filelen=1024);
:long_name = "GSWM migrating diurnal tides data file";
:data = "lower boundary perturbations for TN, UN, VN, and Z";
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 1024U; // uint
char gswm_mi_sdi_ncfile(time=12, filelen=1024);
:long_name = "GSWM migrating semi-diurnal tides data file";
:data = "lower boundary perturbations for TN, UN, VN, and Z";
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 1024U; // uint
char gswm_nm_di_ncfile(time=12, filelen=1024);
:long_name = "GSWM non-migrating diurnal tides data file";
:data = "lower boundary perturbations for TN, UN, VN, and Z";
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 1024U; // uint
char gswm_nm_sdi_ncfile(time=12, filelen=1024);
:long_name = "GSWM non-migrating semi-diurnal tides data file";
:data = "lower boundary perturbations for TN, UN, VN, and Z";
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 1024U; // uint
double e1(time=12);
:long_name = "Peak energy flux in noon sector of the aurora";
:units = "ergs/cm2/s";
:_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint
double e2(time=12);
:long_name = "Peak energy flux in midnight sector of the aurora";
:units = "ergs/cm2/s";
:_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint
double h1(time=12);
:long_name = "Gaussian half-width of the noon auroral oval";
:units = "degrees";
:_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint
double h2(time=12);
:long_name = "Gaussian half-width of the midnight auroral oval";
:units = "degrees";
:_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint
double alfac(time=12);
:long_name = "Characteristic Maxwellian energy of polar cusp electrons";
:units = "keV";
:_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint
double ec(time=12);
:long_name = "Column energy input of polar cusp electrons";
:units = "ergs/cm**2/s";
:_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint
double alfad(time=12);
:long_name = "Characteristic Maxwellian energy of drizzle electrons";
:units = "keV";
:_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint
double ed(time=12);
:long_name = "Column energy input of drizzle electrons";
:units = "ergs/cm**2/s";
:_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint
double crit1(time=12);
:long_name = "critical cross-over latitude 1";
:units = "deg";
:_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint
double crit2(time=12);
:long_name = "critical cross-over latitude 2";
:units = "deg";
:_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint
double mag(latlon=2, latlon=2);
:long_name = "lat,lon coordinates of S,N magnetic poles";
:units = "degrees";
double p0;
:long_name = "Reference pressure";
:units = "millibars";
double p0_model;
:long_name = "Reference pressure (as used by the model)";
:units = "microbars";
double grav;
:long_name = "gravitational acceleration";
:units = "cm/s";
:info = "constant used in the model, independent of height";
float TN(time=12, lev=57, lat=144, lon=288);
:units = "K";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 29U, 72U, 144U; // uint
float UN(time=12, lev=57, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "NEUTRAL ZONAL WIND (+EAST)";
:units = "cm/s";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 29U, 72U, 144U; // uint
float VN(time=12, lev=57, lat=144, lon=288);
:units = "cm/s";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 29U, 72U, 144U; // uint
float O2(time=12, lev=57, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "MOLECULAR OXYGEN";
:units = "mmr";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 29U, 72U, 144U; // uint
float O1(time=12, lev=57, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "ATOMIC OXYGEN";
:units = "mmr";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 29U, 72U, 144U; // uint
float NO(time=12, lev=57, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "NITRIC OXIDE";
:units = "mmr";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 29U, 72U, 144U; // uint
float NO_COOL(time=12, lev=57, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "NO Cooling";
:units = "erg/g/s";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 29U, 72U, 144U; // uint
float OP(time=12, lev=57, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "O+ ION";
:units = "cm-3";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 29U, 72U, 144U; // uint
float TI(time=12, lev=57, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "ION TEMPERATURE";
:units = "K";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 29U, 72U, 144U; // uint
float TE(time=12, lev=57, lat=144, lon=288);
:units = "K";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 29U, 72U, 144U; // uint
float NE(time=12, ilev=57, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "ELECTRON DENSITY";
:units = "cm-3";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 29U, 72U, 144U; // uint
float HMF2(time=12, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "HMF2: Height of the F2 Layer";
:units = "km";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 144U, 288U; // uint
float NMF2(time=12, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "NMF2: Peak Density of the F2 Layer";
:units = "1/cm3";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 144U, 288U; // uint
float Z(time=12, ilev=57, lat=144, lon=288);
:units = "cm";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 29U, 72U, 144U; // uint
float POTEN(time=12, ilev=57, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "ELECTRIC POTENTIAL";
:units = "volts";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 29U, 72U, 144U; // uint
float TEC(time=12, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "TEC: Total Electron Content";
:units = "1/cm2";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 144U, 288U; // uint
float QJI_TN(time=12, lev=57, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "Joule Heating for TN";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 29U, 72U, 144U; // uint
float gpotm(time=12, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "Potential from M-I Coupler (geographic)";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 144U, 288U; // uint
float BX(time=12, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "BX/BMAG: Normalized eastward component of magnetic field";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 144U, 288U; // uint
float BY(time=12, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "BY/BMAG: Normalized northward component of magnetic field";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 144U, 288U; // uint
float BZ(time=12, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "BZ/BMAG: Normalized upward component of magnetic field";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 144U, 288U; // uint
float UI_ExB(time=12, ilev=57, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "UI: Zonal ExB Velocity";
:units = "cm/s";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 29U, 72U, 144U; // uint
float VI_ExB(time=12, ilev=57, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "VI: Meridional ExB Velocity";
:units = "cm/s";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 29U, 72U, 144U; // uint
float WI_ExB(time=12, ilev=57, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "WI: Vertical ExB Velocity";
:units = "cm/s";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 29U, 72U, 144U; // uint
float DEN(time=12, ilev=57, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "Total Density";
:units = "g/cm3";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 29U, 72U, 144U; // uint
float QJOULE_INTEG(time=12, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "Height-integrated Joule Heating";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:units = "erg/cm2/s";
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 144U, 288U; // uint
float SIGMA_HAL(time=12, lev=57, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "SIGMA_HAL: Hall Conductivity";
:units = "S/m";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 29U, 72U, 144U; // uint
float SIGMA_PED(time=12, lev=57, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "SIGMA_PED: Pedersen Conductivity";
:units = "S/m";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 29U, 72U, 144U; // uint
float ZG(time=12, ilev=57, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "Geometric Height ZG";
:units = "cm";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 29U, 72U, 144U; // uint
float ZMAG(time=12, imlev=63, mlat=97, mlon=81);
:long_name = "ZMAG from pdynamo";
:units = "km";
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 63U, 97U, 81U; // uint
float TLBC(time=12, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "Lower boundary condition of TN";
:units = "K";
:coordinates = "LBC";
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 144U, 288U; // uint
float ULBC(time=12, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "Lower boundary condition of UN";
:units = "cm/s";
:coordinates = "LBC";
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 144U, 288U; // uint
float VLBC(time=12, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "Lower boundary condition of VN";
:units = "cm/s";
:coordinates = "LBC";
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 144U, 288U; // uint
float TLBC_NM(time=12, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "Lower boundary condition of TN (TIME N-1)";
:units = "K";
:coordinates = "LBC";
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 144U, 288U; // uint
float ULBC_NM(time=12, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "Lower boundary condition of UN (TIME N-1)";
:units = "cm/s";
:coordinates = "LBC";
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 144U, 288U; // uint
float VLBC_NM(time=12, lat=144, lon=288);
:long_name = "Lower boundary condition of VN (TIME N-1)";
:coordinates = "LBC";
:units = "cm/s";
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 144U, 288U; // uint
double LBC;
:long_name = "Interface level of t,u,v lower boundary condition";
// global attributes:
:Conventions = "CF-1.0";
:label = "tgcm_mix_coupling_20SpD";
:create_date = "04/05/21 14:33:56";
:logname = "ldong";
:host = "r14i6n33";
:system = "LINUX";
:model_name = "tiegcm";
:model_version = "tiegcm_trunk";
:output_file = "";
:history_type = "secondary";
:run_type = "continuation";
:source_file = " (continuation)";
:source_mtime = 266, 23, 0; // int
:initial_file = "";
:initial_mtime = 0, 0, 0; // int
:lev_to_hPa_method1 = "p0*exp(-lev(k))";
:lev_to_hPa_method2 = "p0_model*1.e-3*exp(-lev(k))";
:nhist = 12; // int
:delhist_mins = 5; // int
:missing_value = 1.0E36; // double
:potential_model = "HEELIS";
:tuv_lbc_intop = 0; // int
:contents = "20266 266 23 5 to 20267 267 0 0 by 5 tiegcm_trunk secondary";
:contents_desc = "yyddd day hour min to yyddd day hour min by delta_mins";