NetCDF Header

Mass-Conserving Downscaling of Climate Model Precipitation over Mountainous Terrain for Water Resource Applications

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netcdf file:///data/5ef21f14-62eb-468f-b21f-1462ebc68f71/ {
    string34 = 34;
    nlayer = 3;
    veg_class = 17;
    root_zone = 3;
    snow_band = 5;
    lat = 400;
    lon = 464;
    month = 12;
    char veg_descr(veg_class=17, string34=34);
      :units = "-";
      :long_name = "land cover class name";
      :standard_name = "land cover class name";
      :_ChunkSizes = 17U, 34U; // uint

    short veg_class(veg_class=17);
      :standard_name = "land cover class ID code";
      :long_name = "land cover class ID code";
      :units = "-";
      :_ChunkSizes = 17U; // uint

    int layer(nlayer=3);
      :long_name = "soil layer";
      :_ChunkSizes = 3U; // uint

    int root_zone(root_zone=3);
      :long_name = "root zone";
      :_ChunkSizes = 3U; // uint

    int snow_band(snow_band=5);
      :long_name = "Snow elevation band";
      :_ChunkSizes = 5U; // uint

    double lat(lat=400);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :standard_name = "latitude";
      :axis = "Y";
      :long_name = "Grid cell center latitude";
      :units = "degrees North";

    double lon(lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :standard_name = "longitude";
      :axis = "X";
      :long_name = "Grid cell center longitude";
      :units = "degrees East";

    int month(month=12);
      :units = "month";
      :long_name = "month of climatological year";
      :_ChunkSizes = 12U; // uint

    int mask(lat=400, lon=464);
      :long_name = "Domain mask (1=inside domain, 0=outside)";
      :units = "unitless";

    float elev(lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaNf; // float
      :long_name = "Grid cell elevation above sea level";
      :units = "m";

    double Cv(veg_class=17, lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :units = "-";
      :long_name = "Area Fraction";
      :coordinates = "veg_descr";

    int Nveg(lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = -9999; // int
      :long_name = "Nveg";
      :units = "N/A";
      :description = "Number of vegetation tiles in the grid cell";

    int run_cell(lat=400, lon=464);
      :units = "N/A";
      :description = "1 = Run Grid Cell, 0 = Do Not Run";
      :long_name = "run_cell";

    int gridcell(lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = -9999; // int
      :units = "N/A";
      :description = "Grid cell number";
      :long_name = "gridcell";

    double infilt(lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :coordinates = "longitude latitude";
      :long_name = "infilt";
      :description = "Variable infiltration curve parameter (binfilt)";
      :units = "mm d-1";

    double Ds(lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :coordinates = "longitude latitude";
      :long_name = "Ds";
      :description = "Fraction of Dsmax where non-linear baseflow begins";
      :units = "fraction";

    double Dsmax(lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :coordinates = "longitude latitude";
      :long_name = "Dsmax";
      :description = "Maximum velocity of baseflow";
      :units = "mm d-1";

    double Ws(lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :units = "fraction";
      :description = "Fraction of maximum soil moisture where non-linear baseflow occurs";
      :long_name = "Ws";

    double c(lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :units = "N/A";
      :description = "Exponent used in baseflow curve, normally set to 2";
      :long_name = "c";

    double avg_T(lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :units = "C";
      :description = "Average soil temperature, used as the bottom boundary for soil heat flux solutions";
      :long_name = "avg_T";

    double dp(lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :units = "m";
      :description = "Soil thermal damping depth (depth at which soil temperature remains constant through the year, ~4 m)";
      :long_name = "dp";

    double off_gmt(lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :units = "h";
      :description = "Time zone offset from GMT. This parameter determines how VIC interprets sub-daily time steps relative to the model start date and time.";
      :long_name = "off_gmt";

    double rough(lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :units = "m";
      :description = "Surface roughness of bare soil";
      :long_name = "rough";

    double snow_rough(lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :units = "m";
      :description = "Surface roughness of snowpack";
      :long_name = "snow_rough";

    double annual_prec(lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :units = "mm";
      :description = "Average annual precipitation.";
      :long_name = "annual_prec";

    int fs_active(lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = -9999; // int
      :units = "binary";
      :description = "If set to 1, then frozen soil algorithm is activated for the grid cell. A 0 indicates that frozen soils are not computed even if soil temperatures fall below 0C.";
      :long_name = "fs_active";

    double expt(nlayer=3, lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :units = "N/A";
      :description = "Exponent n (=3+2/lambda) in Campbells eqn for hydraulic conductivity, HBH 5.6 (where lambda = soil pore size distribution parameter).  Values should be > 3.0.";
      :long_name = "expt";
      :coordinates = "layer";

    double Ksat(nlayer=3, lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :units = "mm- d-1";
      :description = "Saturated hydrologic conductivity";
      :long_name = "Ksat";
      :coordinates = "layer";

    double phi_s(nlayer=3, lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :units = "mm mm-1";
      :description = "Soil moisture diffusion parameter";
      :long_name = "phi_s";
      :coordinates = "layer";

    double init_moist(nlayer=3, lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :units = "mm";
      :description = "Initial layer moisture content";
      :long_name = "init_moist";
      :coordinates = "layer";

    double depth(nlayer=3, lat=400, lon=464);
      :long_name = "depth";
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :description = "Thickness of each soil moisture layer";
      :units = "m";
      :coordinates = "layer";

    double bubble(nlayer=3, lat=400, lon=464);
      :description = "Bubbling pressure of soil. Values should be > 0.0";
      :coordinates = "layer";
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :long_name = "bubble";
      :units = "cm";

    double quartz(nlayer=3, lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :units = "fraction";
      :description = "Quartz content of soil";
      :long_name = "quartz";
      :coordinates = "layer";

    double bulk_density(nlayer=3, lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :units = "kg m-3";
      :description = "Bulk density of soil layer";
      :long_name = "bulk_density";
      :coordinates = "layer";

    double soil_density(nlayer=3, lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :description = "Soil particle density, normally 2685 kg m-3";
      :long_name = "soil_density";
      :coordinates = "layer";
      :units = "kg m-3";

    double Wcr_FRACT(nlayer=3, lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :units = "fraction";
      :description = "Fractional soil moisture content at the critical point (~70%% of field capacity) (fraction of maximum moisture)";
      :long_name = "Wcr_FRACT";
      :coordinates = "layer";

    double Wpwp_FRACT(nlayer=3, lat=400, lon=464);
      :description = "Fractional soil moisture content at the wilting point (fraction of maximum moisture)";
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :long_name = "Wpwp_FRACT";
      :coordinates = "layer";
      :units = "fraction";

    double resid_moist(nlayer=3, lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :units = "fraction";
      :description = "Soil moisture layer residual moisture.";
      :long_name = "resid_moist";
      :coordinates = "layer";

    double AreaFract(snow_band=5, lat=400, lon=464);
      :units = "fraction";
      :description = "Fraction of grid cell covered by each elevation band. Sum of the fractions must equal 1.";
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double

    double Pfactor(snow_band=5, lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :units = "fraction";
      :description = "Fraction of cell precipitation thatfalls on each elevation band. Total must equal 1. To ignore effects of elevation on precipitation, set these fractions equal to the area fractions.";

    double elevation(snow_band=5, lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :units = "m";
      :description = "Mean (or median) elevation of elevation band. This is used to compute the change in air temperature from the grid cell mean elevation.";

    int overstory(veg_class=17, lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = -9999; // int
      :long_name = "overstory";
      :units = "N/A";
      :description = "Flag to indicate whether or not the current vegetation type has an overstory (1 for overstory present [e.g. trees], 0 for overstory not present [e.g. grass])";
      :coordinates = "veg_descr";

    double rarc(veg_class=17, lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :long_name = "rarc";
      :units = "s m-1";
      :description = "Architectural resistance of vegetation type (~2 s m-1)";
      :coordinates = "veg_descr";

    double rmin(veg_class=17, lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :long_name = "rmin";
      :units = "s m-1";
      :description = "Minimum stomatal resistance of vegetation type (~100 s m-1)";
      :coordinates = "veg_descr";

    double wind_h(veg_class=17, lat=400, lon=464);
      :coordinates = "veg_descr";
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :units = "m";
      :description = "Height at which wind speed is measured.";
      :long_name = "wind_h";

    double RGL(veg_class=17, lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :long_name = "RGL";
      :units = "W m-2";
      :description = "Minimum incoming shortwave radiation at which there will be transpiration. For trees this is about 30 W m-2, for crops about 100 W m-2.";
      :coordinates = "veg_descr";

    double rad_atten(veg_class=17, lat=400, lon=464);
      :description = "Radiation attenuation factor. Normally set to 0.5, though may need to be adjusted for high latitudes.";
      :coordinates = "veg_descr";
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :units = "fraction";
      :long_name = "rad_atten";

    double wind_atten(veg_class=17, lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :long_name = "wind_atten";
      :units = "fraction";
      :description = "Wind speed attenuation through the overstory. The default value has been 0.5.";
      :coordinates = "veg_descr";

    double trunk_ratio(veg_class=17, lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :long_name = "trunk_ratio";
      :units = "fraction";
      :description = "Ratio of total tree height that is trunk (no branches). The default value has been 0.2.";
      :coordinates = "veg_descr";

    double root_depth(veg_class=17, root_zone=3, lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :long_name = "root_depth";
      :units = "m";
      :description = "Root zone thickness (sum of depths is total depth of root penetration)";
      :coordinates = "veg_descr";

    double root_fract(veg_class=17, root_zone=3, lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :long_name = "root_fract";
      :units = "fraction";
      :description = "Fraction of root in the current root zone";
      :coordinates = "veg_descr";

    double veg_rough(veg_class=17, month=12, lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :long_name = "veg_rough";
      :description = "Vegetation roughness length (typically 0.123 * vegetation height)";
      :coordinates = "veg_descr";
      :units = "m";

    double displacement(veg_class=17, month=12, lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :long_name = "displacement";
      :units = "m";
      :description = "Vegetation displacement height (typically 0.67 * vegetation height)";
      :coordinates = "veg_descr";

    double LAI(veg_class=17, month=12, lat=400, lon=464);
      :coordinates = "veg_descr";
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :long_name = "Leaf Area Index Climatological Mean";

    double fcanopy(veg_class=17, month=12, lat=400, lon=464);
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double
      :long_name = "Canopy fraction Climatological Mean";
      :coordinates = "veg_descr";

    double albedo(veg_class=17, month=12, lat=400, lon=464);
      :coordinates = "veg_descr";
      :long_name = "Albedo Climatological Mean";
      :_FillValue = NaN; // double

  // global attributes: