This dataset was created to understand the impacts of agriculture on CO2 concentrations. Two 1-degree simulations were branched from the CMIP6 "CESM2-esm-hist" simulation in 1970. The first of these turned off the explicit representation of agriculture so that all crop areas are represented as "generic" C3 crops, where crop phenology is simulated as C3 grasses and do not include irrigation or fertilization (referred to as "generic crop"). The second uses the explicit representation of agriculture but removes industrial N fertilization (referred to as "no fertilization"). To ensure that changes in CO2 fluxes were minimally impacted by model drift, each simulation equilibrated carbon fluxes in 1970 by cycling over a single year of forcing for ten years. The CESM2 simulated these alternative representations of agriculture in a CO2 emissions-forced historical scenario following the "esm-hist" experimental protocol.
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