NetCDF Header
Machine learning-based detection of weather fronts and associated extreme precipitation in CESM1.3
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netcdf file:///data/fba396ee-502a-4ec5-b3e3-b4b4b7015d47/ {
lat = 768;
lon = 1152;
slat = 767;
slon = 1152;
nbnd = 2;
time = UNLIMITED; // (2920 currently)
chars = 8;
ilev = 31;
lev = 30;
double lat(lat=768);
:long_name = "Latitude";
:standard_name = "latitude";
:units = "degrees_north";
:axis = "Y";
:valid_min = -90.0; // double
:valid_max = 90.0; // double
:bounds = "lat_bnds";
double lon(lon=1152);
:long_name = "Longitude";
:standard_name = "longitude";
:units = "degrees_east";
:axis = "X";
:valid_min = 0.0; // double
:valid_max = 360.0; // double
:bounds = "lon_bnds";
double slat(slat=767);
:long_name = "Latitude for staggered FV grid";
:units = "degrees_north";
double w_stag(slat=767);
:long_name = "Latitude weights for staggered FV grid";
double slon(slon=1152);
:long_name = "Longitude for staggered FV grid";
:units = "degrees_east";
double lat_bnds(lat=768, nbnd=2);
:long_name = "Gridcell latitude interfaces";
double lon_bnds(lon=1152, nbnd=2);
:long_name = "Gridcell longitude interfaces";
double gw(lat=768);
:long_name = "Latitude quadrature weights (normalized to sum to 2.0 on global grids)";
double area(lat=768, lon=1152);
:long_name = "Solid angle subtended by gridcell";
:standard_name = "area";
:units = "steradian";
:cell_methods = "lat, lon: sum";
double P0;
:long_name = "reference pressure";
:units = "Pa";
float PRECT(time=2920, lat=768, lon=1152);
:units = "m/s";
:long_name = "Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice)";
:cell_methods = "time: mean";
:cell_measures = "area: area";
double ch4vmr(time=2920);
:long_name = "ch4 volume mixing ratio";
double co2vmr(time=2920);
:long_name = "co2 volume mixing ratio";
int date(time=2920);
:long_name = "current date (YYYYMMDD)";
char date_written(time=2920, chars=8);
int datesec(time=2920);
:long_name = "current seconds of current date";
double f11vmr(time=2920);
:long_name = "f11 volume mixing ratio";
double f12vmr(time=2920);
:long_name = "f12 volume mixing ratio";
double hyai(ilev=31);
:long_name = "hybrid A coefficient at layer interfaces";
double hyam(lev=30);
:long_name = "hybrid A coefficient at layer midpoints";
double hybi(ilev=31);
:long_name = "hybrid B coefficient at layer interfaces";
double hybm(lev=30);
:long_name = "hybrid B coefficient at layer midpoints";
double ilev(ilev=31);
:long_name = "hybrid level at interfaces (1000*(A+B))";
:units = "hPa";
:positive = "down";
:standard_name = "atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate";
:formula_terms = "a: hyai b: hybi p0: P0 ps: PS";
double lev(lev=30);
:long_name = "hybrid level at midpoints (1000*(A+B))";
:units = "hPa";
:positive = "down";
:standard_name = "atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate";
:formula_terms = "a: hyam b: hybm p0: P0 ps: PS";
int mdt;
:long_name = "timestep";
:units = "s";
double n2ovmr(time=2920);
:long_name = "n2o volume mixing ratio";
int nbdate;
:long_name = "base date (YYYYMMDD)";
int nbsec;
:long_name = "seconds of base date";
int ndbase;
:long_name = "base day";
int ndcur(time=2920);
:long_name = "current day (from base day)";
int nsbase;
:long_name = "seconds of base day";
int nscur(time=2920);
:long_name = "current seconds of current day";
int nsteph(time=2920);
:long_name = "current timestep";
int ntrk;
:long_name = "spectral truncation parameter K";
int ntrm;
:long_name = "spectral truncation parameter M";
int ntrn;
:long_name = "spectral truncation parameter N";
double sol_tsi(time=2920);
:long_name = "total solar irradiance";
:units = "W/m2";
double time(time=2920);
:long_name = "time";
:units = "days since 2006-01-01 00:00:00";
:calendar = "noleap";
:bounds = "time_bnds";
double time_bnds(time=2920, nbnd=2);
:long_name = "time interval endpoints";
char time_written(time=2920, chars=8);
// global attributes:
:np = 4; // int
:ne = 120; // int
:Conventions = "CF-1.0";
:source = "CAM";
:case = "b.e13.BRCP26C5CN.ne120_g16.003";
:title = "UNSET";
:logname = "";
:host = "";
:Version = "$Name$";
:revision_Id = "$Id$";
:initial_file = "";
:topography_file = "/projects/ccsm/inputdata/atm/cam/topo/";
:history = "Tue Aug 17 17:32:54 2021: ncks -O -t 2 --no_tmp_fl --gaa remap_script=ncremap --gaa remap_command=\'/glade/u/apps/dav/opt/nco/4.7.9/gnu/8.3.0/bin/ncremap -m /glade/work/nanr/mapfiles/ -i /glade/scratch/kdagon/FrontDetector/BRCP26C5CN/ -o\' --gaa remap_hostname=crhtc37 --gaa remap_version=4.7.9 --hdr_pad=10000 --rgr lat_nm_out=lat#lon_nm_out=lon --map=/glade/work/nanr/mapfiles/ /glade/scratch/kdagon/FrontDetector/BRCP26C5CN/\nTue Aug 17 15:11:39 2021: ncks -x -v PRECC /glade/scratch/nanr/forKatie/b.e13.BRCP26C5CN.ne120_g16.003/";
:NCO = "netCDF Operators version 4.7.9 (Homepage =, Code =";
:remap_script = "ncremap";
:remap_command = "\'/glade/u/apps/dav/opt/nco/4.7.9/gnu/8.3.0/bin/ncremap -m /glade/work/nanr/mapfiles/ -i /glade/scratch/kdagon/FrontDetector/BRCP26C5CN/ -o\'";
:remap_hostname = "crhtc37";
:remap_version = "4.7.9";
:map_file = "/glade/work/nanr/mapfiles/";
:input_file = "/glade/scratch/kdagon/FrontDetector/BRCP26C5CN/";