NetCDF Header
Dataset to reproduce the figures and table in "An Outsized Role for the Labrador Sea in the Multidecadal Variability of the Atlantic Overturning Circulation" in Science Advances
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netcdf file:///data/1a7e35b1-2581-46ea-a8ef-d40610cc1e62/ {
time = UNLIMITED; // (301 currently)
d2 = 2;
nlat = 384;
nlon = 320;
double time(time=301);
:long_name = "time";
:units = "days since 0000-01-01 00:00:00";
:bounds = "time_bound";
:calendar = "noleap";
:_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint
double time_bound(time=301, d2=2);
:long_name = "boundaries for time-averaging interval";
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 2U; // uint
double TLONG(nlat=384, nlon=320);
:_FillValue = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
:long_name = "array of t-grid longitudes";
:units = "degrees_east";
:missing_value = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 384U, 320U; // uint
double TLAT(nlat=384, nlon=320);
:_FillValue = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
:long_name = "array of t-grid latitudes";
:units = "degrees_north";
:missing_value = 9.969209968386869E36; // double
:_ChunkSizes = 384U, 320U; // uint
float HMXL(time=301, nlat=384, nlon=320);
:_FillValue = 9.96921E36f; // float
:long_name = "Mixed-Layer Depth";
:units = "centimeter";
:coordinates = "TLONG TLAT time";
:grid_loc = "2110";
:cell_methods = "time: mean";
:missing_value = 9.96921E36f; // float
:_ChunkSizes = 1U, 384U, 320U; // uint
// global attributes:
:title = "B.E.13.B1850C5.ne30g16.sehires38.003.sunway";
:history = "none";
:Conventions = "CF-1.0;";
:contents = "Diagnostic and Prognostic Variables";
:source = "CCSM POP2, the CCSM Ocean Component";
:revision = "$Id: tavg.F90 56176 2013-12-20 18:35:46Z $";
:calendar = "All years have exactly 365 days.";
:start_time = "This dataset was created on 2020-04-07 at 22:57:52.8";
:cell_methods = "cell_methods = time: mean ==> the variable values are averaged over the time interval between the previous time coordinate and the current one. cell_methods absent ==> the variable values are at the time given by the current time coordinate.";
:nsteps_total = 1818100; // int
:tavg_sum = 2678400.0; // double
:tavg_sum_qflux = 2678400.0; // double