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Ionosphere-Thermosphere Data Published in "Responses of the Thermosphere and Ionosphere System to Concurrent Solar Flares and Geomagnetic Storms"

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netcdf file:///data/2f937471-d891-419c-aebc-5d0222fde90e/ {
    ndays = 21154;
    nkp = 8;
    int year_day(ndays=21154);
      :long_name = "4-digit year followed by 3-digit day";

    double f107d(ndays=21154);
      :long_name = "daily 10.7 cm solar flux";

    double f107a(ndays=21154);
      :long_name = "81-day average 10.7 cm solar flux";

    double kp(ndays=21154, nkp=8);
      :long_name = "3-hourly kp index";

  // global attributes:
  :title = "Geophysical Indices, obtained from NGDC";
  :yearday_beg = 1960003; // int
  :yearday_end = 2017332; // int
  :ncar_mss_path = "/TGCM/data/";
  :data_source_url = "";
  :hao_file_write_source = "/home/tgcm/mkgpi/mkncgpi.f";
  :info = "Yearly ascii data files obtained from data_source_url; nc file written by hao_file_write_source.";