NetCDF Header
Ionosphere-Thermosphere Data Published in "Responses of the Thermosphere and Ionosphere System to Concurrent Solar Flares and Geomagnetic Storms"
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netcdf file:///data/2f937471-d891-419c-aebc-5d0222fde90e/ {
record = UNLIMITED; // (42172 currently)
orbit = 1;
double time_tag_orbit(orbit=1);
:long_name = "Date and time for each west_longitude and inclination pair";
:units = "milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.0 UTC";
:calendar = "gregorian";
float west_longitude(orbit=1);
:description = "West longitude of satellite sub-orbit point at the given date and time.";
:long_label = "West longitude";
:short_label = "w long";
:plot_label = "West longitude";
:lin_log = "lin";
:units = "degrees";
:format = "F5.1";
:nominal_min = "70";
:nominal_max = "140";
:missing_value = "-99999";
float inclination(orbit=1);
:description = "Inclination -- the angle between the plane of the orbit and the equatorial plane measured counter-clockwise from true East.";
:long_label = "inclination";
:short_label = "incl";
:plot_label = "inclination";
:lin_log = "lin";
:units = "degrees";
:format = "F6.3";
:nominal_min = "0";
:nominal_max = "1";
:missing_value = "-99999";
double time_tag(record=42172);
:long_name = "Date and time for each observation";
:units = "milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.0 UTC";
:calendar = "gregorian";
float A_QUAL_FLAG(record=42172);
:description = "Quality flag non-zero value indicates data quality issue.";
:long_label = "quality flag";
:short_label = "qf";
:plot_label = " ";
:lin_log = "lin";
:units = "qf";
:format = "I";
:nominal_min = "0";
:nominal_max = "4294967295";
:missing_value = "99999";
float A_COUNT(record=42172);
:description = "Analog detector response is converted to counts before telemetry.";
:long_label = "x-ray (0.05-0.4 nm) counts";
:short_label = "xs cts";
:plot_label = "A_COUNT";
:lin_log = "lin";
:units = "counts";
:format = "E10.4";
:nominal_min = "14000";
:nominal_max = "17000";
:missing_value = "-99999";
float A_FLUX(record=42172);
:description = "XRS short wavelength channel irradiance (0.05 - 0.4 nm)";
:long_label = "x-ray (0.05-0.4 nm) irradiance";
:short_label = "xs fx";
:plot_label = "XS(0.05-0.4 nm)";
:lin_log = "log";
:units = "W/m^2";
:format = "E10.4";
:nominal_min = "0.000000001";
:nominal_max = "0.001";
:missing_value = "-99999";
float B_QUAL_FLAG(record=42172);
:description = "Quality flag non-zero value indicates data quality issue.";
:long_label = "quality flag";
:short_label = "qf";
:plot_label = "qf";
:lin_log = "lin";
:units = "qf";
:format = "I";
:nominal_min = "0";
:nominal_max = "4294967295";
:missing_value = "99999";
float B_COUNT(record=42172);
:description = "Analog detector response is converted to counts before telemetry.";
:long_label = "x-ray (0.1-0.8 nm) counts";
:short_label = "xl cts";
:plot_label = "B_COUNT";
:lin_log = "lin";
:units = "counts";
:format = "E10.4";
:nominal_min = "14000";
:nominal_max = "17000";
:missing_value = "-99999";
float B_FLUX(record=42172);
:description = "XRS long wavelength channel irradiance (0.1-0.8 nm)";
:long_label = "x-ray (0.1-0.8 nm) irradiance";
:short_label = "xl fx";
:plot_label = "XL(0.1-0.8 nm)";
:lin_log = "log";
:units = "W/m^2";
:format = "E10.4";
:nominal_min = "0.000000001";
:nominal_max = "0.001";
:missing_value = "-99999";
// global attributes:
:conventions = "GOES Space Weather";
:title = "GOES X-ray Sensor";
:institution = "NOAA";
:source = "Satellite Insitu Observations";
:satellite_id = "GOES-13";
:instrument = "X-ray Sensor";
:process-type = "Full resolution";
:process-level = "level 1b";
:sample-time = "2.048";
:sample-unit = "seconds";
:creation_date = "2017-09-08 09:15:19.188 UTC";
:start_date = "2017-09-07 00:00:01.823 UTC";
:end_date = "2017-09-07 23:59:59.803 UTC";
:records_maximum = "42188";
:records_present = "42172";
:records_missing = "16";
:originating_agency = "DOC/NOAA/NCEP/NWS/SWPC";
:archiving_agency = "DOC/NOAA/NESDIS/NCEI";
:NOAA_scaling_factors = "The XRS data for GOES 8-15 include NOAA scaling factors which must be removed to get observed fluxes. To remove these factors, divide the short channel fluxes (A_FLUX) by 0.85 and divide the long channel fluxes (B_FLUX) by 0.7.";
:data_note = "These GOES-13 XRS data have been corrected, see document GOES_XRS_readme.pdf.";