NetCDF Header

THESIS Tools Datasets: Land Use Tool - CLM5

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netcdf file:///data/90861326-833b-4ed8-81c8-5fe42cb26a88/ {
    natpft = 15;
    cft = 64;
    lon = 1440;
    lat = 720;
    nchar = 128;
    ncl6 = 720;
    ncl7 = 720;
    ncl8 = 1440;
    ncl9 = 1440;
    ncl10 = 720;
    ncl11 = 1440;
    int natpft(natpft=15);
      :long_name = "indices of natural PFTs";
      :units = "index";

    int cft(cft=64);
      :long_name = "indices of CFTs";
      :units = "index";

    float EDGEN;
      :_FillValue = 9.96921E36f; // float
      :long_name = "northern edge of surface grid";
      :units = "degrees north";

    float EDGEE;
      :_FillValue = 9.96921E36f; // float
      :long_name = "eastern edge of surface grid";
      :units = "degrees east";

    float EDGES;
      :_FillValue = 9.96921E36f; // float
      :long_name = "southern edge of surface grid";
      :units = "degrees north";

    float EDGEW;
      :_FillValue = 9.96921E36f; // float
      :long_name = "western edge of surface grid";
      :units = "degrees east";

    float LAT(lat=720);
      :long_name = "lat";
      :units = "degrees north";

    float LATIXY(lat=720, lon=1440);
      :_FillValue = 9.96921E36f; // float
      :long_name = "latitude-2d";
      :units = "degrees north";

    float LON(lon=1440);
      :long_name = "lon";
      :units = "degrees east";

    float LONGXY(lat=720, lon=1440);
      :_FillValue = 9.96921E36f; // float
      :long_name = "longitude-2d";
      :units = "degrees east";

    float LANDMASK(lat=720, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "land mask";
      :units = "unitless";

    float LANDFRAC(lat=720, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "land fraction of gridcell";
      :units = "unitless";

    float AREA(lat=720, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "area of gridcell";
      :units = "km^2";

    float PCT_NAT_PFT(natpft=15, lat=720, lon=1440);
      :long_name = "percent plant functional type on the natural veg landunit (% of landunit)";
      :units = "unitless";
      :_FillValue = -9999.0f; // float

  // global attributes:
  :source = "Peter Lawrence, NCAR";
  :creation_date = "Thu Jun 15 14:58:55 MDT 2017";
  :title = "";