Title: ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Caltech Atmospheric Chamber_20170620_No Reactant_None_No Seed_170620_88_c234 Description: Goals: Investigate vapor-wall loss rates of alkanes of C12, C13, C14, and an alkene C14H28 at RH = 88% Summary: Obtained temporal profiles of four compounds with GC-FID Organization: Caltech Atmospheric Chamber Lab Affiliation: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA Chamber: Near Bag 2014 Experiment Category: Volatility and partitioning Oxidant: None Reaction Type: Non-chemical Relative Humidity: 5 Temperature: 25 Pressure: 750 Torr Metadata URL: https://gdex.ucar.edu/dataset/id/fc9a96d9-ab26-4da4-ad15-9774ea3896b4.html