Title: ICARUS Chamber Experiment: NCAR_20050325_ETHYL FORMATE_Chlorine radical_No Seed_Cl2 / Ethyl Formate Oxidation, 326 K, 700 Torr O2_#2 Description: Goals: Understand atmospheric oxidation of ethyl formate Specifically, understand behavior of the HC(=O)OCH(O.)CH3 radical (vs temperature and O2 partial pressure). Summary: Quantify end-product formation in Cl-atom initiated oxidation of ethyl formate, vs. T and O2 partial pressure. Organization: NCAR Lab Affiliation: NCAR ACOM Boulder CO USA Chamber: NCAR First Floor Stainless Steel Experiment Category: Gas phase chemical reaction Oxidant: Chlorine radical Reactants: ETHYL FORMATE Reaction Type: Photooxidation Temperature: 53 Pressure: 760 Torr Metadata URL: https://gdex.ucar.edu/dataset/id/fa3ea472-5087-4e19-823c-1b2566acf46c.html