Title: ICARUS Chamber Experiment: NCAR_20170817_nitric oxide/hydrogen peroxide/ISOPRENE_Hydroxyl radical_No Seed_CSTR_ISOP_170817 Description: Goals: Measure the yields of methacrolein and MVK at intermediate NO levels Summary: First, a given amount of H2O2, NO and isoprene is continuously injected into the chamber till the steady state is established. Second, the UV lights are on to initiate photochemistry till another steady state is established. Organization: NCAR Lab Affiliation: NCAR ACOM Boulder CO USA Chamber: NCAR 3rd Floor Teflon Experiment Category: Gas phase chemical reaction Oxidant: Hydroxyl radical Reactants: nitric oxide, hydrogen peroxide, ISOPRENE Reaction Type: Photooxidation Relative Humidity: 10 Temperature: 35 Pressure: 0.8 atm Metadata URL: https://gdex.ucar.edu/dataset/id/fa179d63-bcd6-4964-a545-8cba94014125.html