Title: ICARUS Chamber Experiment: UCR-CECERT-APL-Cocker Group_20110417_1-Ethyl-2-methylbenzene/NO_Hydroxyl radical_No Seed_EPA1413B - Annie Description: Goals: Photo-oxidation of o-ethyltoluene with NO under black lights Summary: Targets: o-ethyltoluene 100 ppb(both) NO 20ppb (west) 40ppb (east) INSTRUMENTS: GC, SMPS, AMS, VTDMA, APM Organization: UCR-CECERT-APL-Cocker Group Lab Affiliation: University of California, Riverside, CE-CERT Chamber: EPA chamber Experiment Category: Photolysis, any phase, Aerosol formation, Aerosol aging, Blank/Control Oxidant: Hydroxyl radical Reactants: 1-Ethyl-2-methylbenzene, NO Reaction Type: Photooxidation Relative Humidity: 0.01 Temperature: 28 Pressure: 0.015'' H2O Metadata URL: https://gdex.ucar.edu/dataset/id/f68e8497-265b-4c9d-9197-10223e6a721b.html