Title: ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Nguyen Group_20211116_2-Methylbut-3-ene-1,2-diol_None_Ammonium sulfate Description: Goals: This experiment examined the photoreactivity of isoprene diol with ammonium sulfate aerosol in the absence of an OH precursor. Summary: The chamber was humidified to ~75% RH; ammonium sulfate was introduced by atomization, and isoprene diol was introduced in both gas and particle phases via atomization and evaporation. Lights were turned on to initiate photochemistry, and a filter was collected for offline analysis. Organization: Nguyen Group Lab Affiliation: UC Davis Chamber: Tran's big bag of air Experiment Category: Condensed-phase chemical reaction, Multiphase chemical reaction, Aerosol aging Oxidant: None Reactants: 2-Methylbut-3-ene-1,2-diol Reaction Type: Photooxidation Relative Humidity: 75 Temperature: 20-22 Seed Name: Ammonium sulfate Pressure: 755 Torr Metadata URL: https://gdex.ucar.edu/dataset/id/ef96b5c6-4715-4cd3-ae52-95036b2e721b.html