Title: MPAS-A aquaplanet simulation with convection-permitting resolution and off-equatorial SST maximum Description: This dataset includes model output from an aquaplanet simulation using the Model for Prediction Across Scales-Atmosphere (MPAS-A). The aquaplanet simulation was produced by prescribing a zonally symmetric sea-surface temperature profile and by removing land, sea-ice, and the seasonal cycle from the model. Unlike previous aquaplanet simulations (https://doi.org/10.5065/cam1-v353), this simulation had an SST profile with an off-equator maximum at 10N to allow for the formation of tropical cyclones. A variable resolution mesh was used with 3-km cell spacing between 10S and 30N, transitioning to 15-km cell spacing elsewhere. The simulation was integrated for 160 days, but the first 30 days were discarded for model spinup. This dataset contains post processed output interpolated to a r1440x720 fixed grid with approximate grid spacing of 0.25 deg. Metadata URL: https://gdex.ucar.edu/dataset/id/c5755cab-b90d-40a9-b55c-abb90d60a933.html