Title: SubAuroral Red Arc Generated by Inner Magnetosphere Heat Flux Description: This data repository contains necessary data files and plotting scripts that support Lin et al. SubAuroral Red Arc Generated by Inner Magnetosphere Heat Flux. CIMI_HF_fig1.nc contains processed energetic H+ and O+ ion energy spectra measured by the HOPE instrument onboard RBSP-B satellite, and electron heat flux derived from the RBSP data and simulated by the Comprehensive Inner Magnetosphere Ionosphere model. CIMI_HF_fig2.nc contains electron temperature, density, and red line 6300 A emission rate from TIEGCM simulation. CIMI_HF_fig3.nc contains the 6300 A emission rate from two TIEGCM runs. Metadata URL: https://gdex.ucar.edu/dataset/id/c3f1cc91-c0b5-4cd1-b1cc-91c0b50cd195.html