Title: WACCM-X simulated data for Wu et al.'s paper on “Interaction Between MSTIDs and Ionospheric Irregularities in the Equatorial Region Observed on May 13-14, 2013” Description: This dataset contains all the data related to WACCM-X simulated result figure in paper ”Interaction Between MSTIDs and Ionospheric Irregularities in the Equatorial Region Observed on May 13-14, 2013”. The data includes TEC simulated by the WACCM-X on May 13, 2013, from 14 to 19 UT, as well as the U and V at an altitude of 250 km. Metadata URL: https://gdex.ucar.edu/dataset/id/af3d679c-aa8a-4709-bd67-9caa8af709c1.html