Title: ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Nizkorodov Lab_20150414_Naphthalene/Nitric oxide/Ammonia_Hydroxyl radical_No Seed_0RH Description: Goals: Prepare NAP SOA at 0 RH, with high NOx, and with NH3 Summary: Prepare NAP SOA at 0 RH, with high NOx, and with NH3 Organization: Nizkorodov Lab Lab Affiliation: University of California, Irvine Chamber: Nizkorodov Chamber Experiment Category: Aerosol formation Oxidant: Hydroxyl radical Reactants: Naphthalene, Nitric oxide, Ammonia Reaction Type: Photooxidation Temperature: 21 Metadata URL: https://gdex.ucar.edu/dataset/id/6f80785c-3b21-445d-8078-5c3b21445d1e.html