Title: ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Ng Research Group_20160607_IEPOX_None_ammonium sulfate/sulfuric acid Description: Goals: To characterize role of sulfate aerosol on IEPOX uptake Summary: IEPOX injection followed by different sulfuric acid/ammonium sulfate ratio Organization: Ng Research Group Lab Affiliation: Georgia Institute of Technology Chamber: Georgia Tech Environmental Chamber (Near) Experiment Category: Condensed-phase chemical reaction, Multiphase chemical reaction, Volatility and partitioning Oxidant: None Reactants: IEPOX Reaction Type: Heterogeneous oxidation, Other aqueous/aerosol phase Relative Humidity: 50 Temperature: 25 Seed Name: ammonium sulfate/sulfuric acid Metadata URL: https://gdex.ucar.edu/dataset/id/4e377c56-59c9-4e01-8464-5cc5b9d0db22.html