Title: ICARUS Chamber Experiment: NCAR_20170801_nitric oxide/ozone_Nitrate radical_No Seed_CSTR_blank_170801 Description: Goals: Probing the steady state NO and O3 concentration that could be reached by varying the concentrations of reactants O3 and NO in the dark experiment Summary: First, a given amount of O3 is continuously injected into the chamber till the steady state is established. Second, a given amount of NO is injected into the chamber till another steady state is established. Organization: NCAR Lab Affiliation: NCAR ACOM Boulder CO USA Chamber: NCAR 3rd Floor Teflon Experiment Category: Gas phase chemical reaction, Blank/Control Oxidant: Nitrate radical Reactants: nitric oxide, ozone Reaction Type: Dark oxidation Relative Humidity: 10 Temperature: 25 Pressure: 0.8 atm Metadata URL: https://gdex.ucar.edu/dataset/id/4e2bfe0c-6d16-4e07-9b13-f3a1cd93e766.html