Title: Weekly Carbon Monoxide Anomalies over Maritime Southeast Asia and Weekly Climate Indices Description: This repository contains weekly atmospheric carbon monoxide (CO) anomalies over the Maritime Southeast Asia (MSEA) region from 2001 to 2019, as well as weekly climate index data. Total column CO from the MOPITT satellite instrument were converted to column average volume mixing ratios (VMR) and were averaged within the MSEA region on a weekly time scale. A climatological seasonal cycle for the weekly time series was created using all 19 years of MOPITT data and was subtracted from the weekly VMRs to create the anomalies. Five climate indices are also provided on a weekly timescale (Nino3.4, AAO, DMI, TSA, OLR proxy for MJO). For details on the MOPITT CO retrieval parameters and the geometry of the MSEA region, see the provided README file. The geometry of the MSEA region and the spatial range of influence of the five climate indices are also plotted on the provided map. These data are associated with the JGR-Atmos. manuscript "Predicting Fire Season Intensity in Maritime Southeast Asia with Interpretable Models" by Daniels et al., (submitted October 2021). Metadata URL: https://gdex.ucar.edu/dataset/id/24100bce-c3d6-44a4-85f6-b58b26164828.html