Title: Ionosphere-thermosphere data published in 'The 2D evolution of thermospheric ∑O/N2 response to weak geomagnetic activity during solar-minimum observed by GOLD' Description: This dataset was used to generate plots for a paper in the Geophysical Research Letter, an AGU journal. It includes the percentage difference of column density ratio of O/N2 between quiet time (DOY 153 in 2019) and weak geomagnetic activity time (DOY 156 in 2019), together with the meridional wind, zonal wind, meridional component and the zonal component of E cross B drift at pressure level -1.375 (160-170 km). Metadata URL: https://gdex.ucar.edu/dataset/id/12827d60-8e42-489b-8601-9d90a091cac9.html