Title: ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Ng Research Group_20200920_1o_BpHN/Cyclohexane_None_No Seed_1o_BpHN photolysis exp2 Description: Goals: Photolysis of monoterpene-derived organic nitrates Summary: Photolysis rate constant and mechanism of b-pinene-derived organic nitrate Organization: Ng Research Group Lab Affiliation: Georgia Institute of Technology Chamber: Georgia Tech Environmental Chamber (Far) Experiment Category: Gas phase chemical reaction, Photolysis, any phase Oxidant: None Reactants: 1o_BpHN, Cyclohexane Reaction Type: Photolysis Relative Humidity: 3 Temperature: 23 Seed Name: No Seed Metadata URL: https://gdex.ucar.edu/dataset/id/040df93f-1457-4633-9da2-4b61ba899a3f.html