Parcel code used in the simulations is dpparcel.act_comp.spectr.PRI.for and dpparcel.act_comp.spectr.PRI.for for polluted and prostine conditions, One also needs the aerosol bin info from file also included here. Data files in this dataset: 1. CCN information is in CCN.act_info.dat: It gives the bin number (1 to 200), dry CCN radius (microns), critical (activation) radius (microns) and critical (activation) supersaturation (%). Below are the three first lines: 1 0.4000E-02 0.1552E-01 0.5077E+01 -- ic,r0,ract,sact 2 0.4094E-02 0.1606E-01 0.4901E+01 -- ic,r0,ract,sact 3 0.4189E-02 0.1662E-01 0.4732E+01 -- ic,r0,ract,sact 2. Drople radius evolition (every 1 m for 1 km rise) is given in data files named rad.evol.XXX.YYY.dat, where XXX in parcel ascent rate (0.25, 1, 4 m/s) and YYY is POL or PRI for polluted and pristine aerosols. The data for each CCN bin (concentration in cm-3 and wet radius in microns) is given as in as in the line below for each dry CCN bin ic. 1 0.38787E-05 0.82631E-02 ic,con,r 2 0.58053E-05 0.85464E-02 ic,con,r 3 0.91774E-05 0.88784E-02 ic,con,r 3. Evolutions of the parcel supwersaturation and quasi-equilbrium supersaturations for each dry CCN bin is given in files S+S_eq.XXX.YYY.dat, where where XXX in parcel ascent rate (0.25, 1, 4 m/s) and YYY is POL or PRI for polluted and pristine aerosols. Supersaturations are in %. The data look like that: -2.946494469506866 --- sup(%) 1 0.400000E-02 0.810916E-02 -0.421640E-01 ic,CCNrad,drad,seq(%) 2 0.409365E-02 0.881340E-02 -0.400958E-01 ic,CCNrad,drad,seq(%) 3 0.418948E-02 0.866727E-02 -0.391724E-01 ic,CCNrad,drad,seq(%)