Description: * Post_processed_IFS folder includes the post-processed model outputs using the ECMWF Integrated Forecast System (IFS)to initialize the model. * Post_processed_GFS folder includes the post-processed model outputs using NCEP Global Forecast System (GFS)to initialize the model. * namelist.atmosphere_XXX files are used to run MPAS-A. GFS ( data to initialize MPAS were accessed via NCAR Research Data Archive through the Computational and Information Systems Laboratory (CISL). * Below you will find additional information on the variables used in the manuscript. Additional Information: ------------------------------ 1- Add “rainc” (accumulated convective precipitation in mm) and “rainnc” (accumulated total grid-scale precipitation in mm) to obtain total rainfall rates and also subtract previous hour amounts in order to get hourly rates. In Python: a. precip = (ds_new.rainc.sel(lat=slice(0, 18), lon=slice(-33, 18)) + ds_new.rainnc.sel(lat=slice(0, 18), lon=slice(-33,18)) ).diff('xtime') 2- 700-hPa relative vorticity is calculated using “uzonal_700hPa” (reconstructed zonal wind at cell centers, vertically interpolated to 850 hP in m s^{-1}) and “umeridional_700hPa” (reconstructed meridional wind at cell centers, vertically interpolated to 850 hP in m s^{-1})) variables 3- “relhum_700hPa”- Relative humidity vertically interpolated to 700 hPa in % 4- “umeridional_isobaric”- Meridional wind interpolated to isobaric surfaces in m s^{-1} 5- “uzonal_isobaric”- Zonal wind interpolated to isobaric surfaces in m s^{-1} 6- “qv_isobaric”- Water vapor mixing ratio interpolated to isobaric surfaces in kg kg^{-1} a. Is used to calculate specific humidity. Specific humidity is then used in the column saturation fraction, net moisture flux, and moisture flux convergence calculations in the manuscript. 7- “rh_isobaric”- Relative humidity interpolated to isobaric surfaces in % 8- Vertical mass flux (w x rho) is calculated using "w_isobaric" (vertical wind interpolated to isobaric surfaces in m s^{-1}) and "rho_isobaric" (dry air density interpolated to isobaric surfaces in kg/m^3) History: ---------- README created 3/9/2022 by Kelly M. Núñez Ocasio