Carbon Monoxide Data ---------------------- Files: MSEA_V8JMOPITT_weeklyanomalies_WEDCEN_nofill.csv File information: -9999 and -999.99 are missing data (i.e., no satellite measurement available) Weekly averages have been calculated from Sunday to Saturday and are reported on the Wednesday Time coverage = 2001-01-03 to 2019-12-25 Values are reported as column average VMR (x_co) MSEA region geometry: minlat, maxlat, minlon, maxlon (/ -10., 10., 90., 160./) MOPITT CO extracted with these parameters: sza < 80 (daytime) land-only pixels pixel 3 removed snr_5A> 1000 joint NIR/TIR retrievals MOPITT version 8 RetrievalAnomalyDiagnostic - all 0 Climate index data ---------------------- Files (and time coverage): nino34_weekly_avg.csv (1981-11-04 to 2020-04-15) aao_weekly_avg.csv (1979-01-03 to 2020-04-01) dmi_weekly_avg.csv (1981-11-04 to 2020-04-15) tsa_weekly_avg.csv (1981-11-04 to 2020-04-15) msea_olr.csv (1974-06-05 to 2020-12-30) File information: Each .csv file contains week averaged climate index data OLR is used as a proxy index for the MJO climate mode See Daniels et al. (2021) manuscript for source information and a description of how each index is calculated