program plot11 parameter(nx=64,ny=64,nz=64) parameter(nxyz=nx*ny*nz) c super droplets (SDs): only in cloudy volumes... c nppg - the number of SDs per gridbox parameter(nppg=20) c parameter(nppg=4) parameter(npp=(nx-1)*(ny-1)*(nz-1)*nppg) parameter(nt0=100) dimension time(nt0),rad(nt0),std(nt0),afra(nt0) real*8 u(nx,ny,nz),v(nx,ny,nz),w(nx,ny,nz) real*8 th(nx,ny,nz),qv(nx,ny,nz),ss(nx,ny,nz) real*8 xp(npp),yp(npp),zp(npp) real*8 qcp(npp),plic(npp),radp(npp) real*8 sum,sum1,sum2 dimension x(2),y(2) call opngks call gsclip(0) call dfclrs n=nx m=ny l=nz do isss=1,1 do icas=1,3 c r_act=5.39 r_act=1. if(isss.eq.1) then if(icas.eq.1) then open(10,file='../fort.9.lg.20.1mps',form='unformatted', 1 status='old') endif if(icas.eq.2) then open(10,file='../fort.9.lg.20.3mps',form='unformatted', 1 status='old') endif if(icas.eq.3) then open(10,file='../fort.9.lg.20.0.333mps',form='unformatted', 1 status='old') endif endif if(icas.eq.1) nt=100 if(icas.eq.3) nt=100 if(icas.eq.2) nt=33 do it=1,nt if(icas.eq.1) time(it)=it*2. if(icas.eq.2) time(it)=it*6. if(icas.eq.3) time(it)=it*2. read(10) ! (((u(i,j,k),i=1,n),j=1,m),k=1,l) read(10) ! (((v(i,j,k),i=1,n),j=1,m),k=1,l) read(10) ! (((w(i,j,k),i=1,n),j=1,m),k=1,l) read(10) (((th(i,j,k),i=1,n),j=1,m),k=1,l) read(10) (((qv(i,j,k),i=1,n),j=1,m),k=1,l) read(10) xp,yp,zp,qcp,plic,radp print*,'--- read for time: ',time(it) sum1=0. sum2=0. do i=1,npp if(radp(i).gt.r_act*1.e-6) then sum1=sum1+1. sum2=sum2+radp(i) endif enddo if( then rad(it)=sum2/sum1 else rad(it)=0. endif sum1=0. sum2=0. do i=1,npp if(radp(i).gt.r_act*1.e-6) then sum1=sum1+1. sum2=sum2+(radp(i)-rad(it))**2 endif enddo if( then std(it)=sqrt(sum2/sum1) else std(it)=0. endif rad(it)=rad(it)*1.e6 std(it)=std(it)*1.e6 sum1=0. sum2=0. do i=1,npp if(radp(i).gt.r_act*1.e-6) sum1=sum1+1. enddo afra(it)=sum1/npp print*,it,rad(it),std(it),afra(it) enddo call dashdc('$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$', 3,12) call setusv('LW',2000) call gstxci(15) call gsplci(15) ! black call set(.2,.8,.1,.5,0.,200.,0.,1.2,1) call labmod('(e5.1)','(e5.1)',5,5,2,2,28,20,0) call perim (2,10,1,12) x(1)=0. x(2)=200. y(1)=1. y(2)=1. call dashdc('$''''$$''''$$''''$$''''$$''''$$''''$', 6,12) call setusv('LW',1000) call curved(x,y,2) call dashdc('$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$', 3,12) call setusv('LW',2000) do it=1,nt if(icas.eq.1) then call gsplci(12) ! red line call gspmci(12) ! red symbol endif if(icas.eq.2) then call gsplci(14) ! blue line call gspmci(14) ! blue symbol endif if(icas.eq.3) then call gsplci(15) ! black line call gspmci(15) ! black symbol endif call points(time(it),afra(it),1,-4,0) enddo call gstxci(15) call gsplci(15) ! black call gspmci(15) ! black call setusv('LW',2000) call set(.2,.8,.52,.92,0.,200.,0.,1.5,1) call labmod('(e5.1)','(e5.1)',5,5,2,2,28,20,0) call perim (2,10,3,5) do it=1,nt if(icas.eq.1) then call gsplci(12) ! red line call gspmci(12) ! red symbol endif if(icas.eq.2) then call gsplci(14) ! blue line call gspmci(14) ! blue symbol endif if(icas.eq.3) then call gsplci(15) ! black line call gspmci(15) ! black symbol endif call points(time(it),std(it),1,-2,0) enddo close(20) enddo enddo call setusv('LW',2000) call set(0.,1.,0.,1.,0.,1.,0.,1.,1) c call gstxci(15) call gsplci(15) ! black call gspmci(15) ! black CALL plchhq(.20,0.07, '0', 0.016,0.,0) CALL plchhq(.50,0.07, '100', 0.016,0.,0) CALL plchhq(.80,0.07, '200', 0.016,0.,0) CALL plchhq(.50,0.03,'height (m)', 0.016,0.,0) CALL plchhq(.16,0.1, '0.0', 0.016,0.,0) CALL plchhq(.16,0.267, '0.5', 0.016,0.,0) CALL plchhq(.16,0.433, '1.0', 0.016,0.,0) CALL plchhq(.11,0.3,'activated fraction (1)', 0.016,90.,0) CALL plchhq(.16,0.52, '0.0', 0.016,0.,0) CALL plchhq(.16,0.65, '0.5', 0.016,0.,0) CALL plchhq(.16,0.79, '1.0', 0.016,0.,0) CALL plchhq(.16,0.92, '1.5', 0.016,0.,0) CALL plchhq(.11,0.72,'spectral width (micron)', 0.016,90.,0) call frame call clsgks stop end subroutine dfclrs cc as on page 4-31 in NCAR Graphics Guide to New Utilities dimension rgbv(3,15) data rgbv / + 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, c dark blue into white + .00, .00, 1.0, + 1. , .5, 0., + 1.0, .50, 1.0, + .92, .92, .92, + .88, .88, .88, + .84, .84, .84, + .80, .80, .80, + .76, .76, .76, + .72, .72, .72, + .68, .68, .68, cc + 1.00, .00, .00 , + 0.00, 1.0, .0 , + 0.00, 0.0, 1.00 , + .00, 0.0, 0.00 + / c cc background color cc this is black call gscr(1,0,0.,0.,0.) cc this is Dons background, next is my modification cc call gscr(1,0,0.31,0.31,0.39) c call gscr(1,0,0.51,0.51,0.69) call gscr(1,0,1.00,1.00,1.00) c call gscr(1,0,0.00,0.00,0.25) c do 101 i=1,15 call gscr(1,i,rgbv(1,i),rgbv(2,i),rgbv(3,i)) 101 continue return end