program plot11 parameter(nx=64,ny=64,nz=64) parameter(nxyz=nx*ny*nz) c super droplets (SDs): only in cloudy volumes... c nppg - the number of SDs per gridbox parameter(nppg=20) parameter(npp=(nx-1)*(ny-1)*(nz-1)*nppg) parameter(nt0=100) dimension time(nt0),rad(nt0),sup(nt0),std(nt0) real*8 u(nx,ny,nz),v(nx,ny,nz),w(nx,ny,nz) real*8 th(nx,ny,nz),qv(nx,ny,nz),ss(nx,ny,nz) real*8 xp(npp),yp(npp),zp(npp) real*8 qcp(npp),plic(npp),radp(npp) real*8 sum,sum1,sum2 dimension x(2),y(2) call opngks call gsclip(0) call dfclrs n=nx m=ny l=nz do isss=1,1 do icas=1,3 c r_act=5.39 ! real r_act=1. ! fake if(isss.eq.1) then if(icas.eq.1) then open(10,file='../fort.9.lg.20.1mps',form='unformatted', 1 status='old') endif if(icas.eq.2) then open(10,file='../fort.9.lg.20.3mps',form='unformatted', 1 status='old') endif if(icas.eq.3) then open(10,file='../fort.9.lg.20.0.333mps',form='unformatted', 1 status='old') endif endif ee0=1227.2 t00=283.16 hlat=2.47e6 rv=461. rho0=1. rg=287. gg=9.81 if(icas.eq.1) nt=100 if(icas.eq.2) nt=33 if(icas.eq.3) nt=100 updr=1. ! other w are included by time not really being height... do it=1,nt if(icas.eq.1) time(it)=it*2. if(icas.eq.2) time(it)=it*6. if(icas.eq.3) time(it)=it*2. read(10) ! (((u(i,j,k),i=1,n),j=1,m),k=1,l) read(10) ! (((v(i,j,k),i=1,n),j=1,m),k=1,l) read(10) ! (((w(i,j,k),i=1,n),j=1,m),k=1,l) read(10) (((th(i,j,k),i=1,n),j=1,m),k=1,l) read(10) (((qv(i,j,k),i=1,n),j=1,m),k=1,l) read(10) xp,yp,zp,qcp,plic,radp print*,'--- read for time: ',time(it) c print*,(radp(ii),ii=1,5) sum1=0. sum2=0. do i=1,n-1 do j=1,m-1 do k=1,l-1 thi=1./th(i,j,k) ess=ee0*exp(hlat/rv * (1./t00 - thi)) pre=0.9e5 - gg*rho0*updr*time(it) qvs=rg/rv*ess/(pre-ess) ss(i,j,k)=qv(i,j,k)/qvs - 1. sum1=sum1+1 sum2=sum2+ss(i,j,k)*100. enddo enddo enddo sup(it)=sum2/sum1 sum1=0. sum2=0. do i=1,n-1 do j=1,m-1 do k=1,l-1 sum1=sum1+1 sum2=sum2+(ss(i,j,k)*100.-sup(it))**2 enddo enddo enddo std(it)=sqrt(sum2/sum1) sum1=0. sum2=0. sum3=0. sum4=0. do i=1,npp sum3=sum3+1. sum4=sum4+radp(i)*1.e6 if(radp(i).ge.r_act*1.e-6) then sum1=sum1+1. sum2=sum2+radp(i)*1.e6 endif enddo sum4=sum4/sum3 sum22=0. if( sum22=sum2/sum1 rad(it)=sum4 if( rad(it)=sum22 c print*,it,pre,rad(it),sup(it) print*,it,rad(it),sup(it),std(it) enddo call setusv('LW',2000) call gstxci(15) call gsplci(15) ! black call set(.2,.8,.1,.3,0.,200.,-3.,3.,1) call labmod('(e5.1)','(e5.1)',5,5,2,2,28,20,0) call perim (2,10,2,3) call setusv('LW',1000) x(1)=0 x(2)=200 y(1)=0.15 y(2)=0.15 call dashdc('$''''$$''''$$''''$$''''$$''''$$''''$', 6,12) call curved(x,y,2) call dashdc('$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$', 3,12) y(1)=0. y(2)=0. call curved(x,y,2) call setusv('LW',2000) ino=0. if(icas.eq.1) then call gsplci(12) ! red line call gspmci(12) ! red symbol endif if(icas.eq.2) then call gsplci(14) ! blue line call gspmci(14) ! blue symbol endif if(icas.eq.3) then call gsplci(15) ! black line call gspmci(15) ! black symbol endif do it=1,nt call points(time(it),sup(it),1,-4,0) enddo call setusv('LW',2000) call gstxci(15) call gsplci(15) ! black call set(.2,.8,.3,.5,0.,200.,0.,1.,1) call labmod('(e5.1)','(e5.1)',5,5,2,2,28,20,0) call perim (2,10,1,5) if(icas.eq.1) then call gsplci(12) ! red line call gspmci(12) ! red symbol endif if(icas.eq.2) then call gsplci(14) ! blue line call gspmci(14) ! blue symbol endif if(icas.eq.3) then call gsplci(15) ! black line call gspmci(15) ! black symbol endif do it=1,nt call points(time(it),std(it),1,-2,0) if(rad(it).ge.r_act .and.ino.eq.0)then ino=1 call setusv('LW',1000) x(1)=time(it) x(2)=time(it) y(1)=-0.5 y(2)=2. c call curved(x,y,2) endif enddo call setusv('LW',2000) call gstxci(15) call gsplci(15) ! black call set(.2,.8,.52,.92,0.,200.,1.e-2,1.e1,2) call labmod('(e5.1)','(e5.1)',5,5,2,2,28,20,0) call perim (2,10,1,9) if(icas.eq.1) then call gsplci(12) ! red line call gspmci(12) ! red symbol endif if(icas.eq.2) then call gsplci(14) ! blue line call gspmci(14) ! blue symbol endif if(icas.eq.3) then call gsplci(15) ! black line call gspmci(15) ! black symbol endif do it=1,nt call points(time(it),rad(it),1,-2,0) if(rad(it).ge.r_act .and.ino.eq.1)then ino=2 call setusv('LW',1000) x(1)=time(it) x(2)=time(it) y(1)=0.1 y(2)=7. c call curved(x,y,2) endif enddo close(10) enddo enddo call setusv('LW',2000) call set(0.,1.,0.,1.,0.,1.,0.,1.,1) call gstxci(15) call gsplci(15) ! black c call gstxci(15) call gsplci(15) ! black call gspmci(15) ! black CALL plchhq(.20,0.07, '0', 0.016,0.,0) CALL plchhq(.50,0.07, '100', 0.016,0.,0) CALL plchhq(.80,0.07, '200', 0.016,0.,0) CALL plchhq(.50,0.03,'height (m)', 0.016,0.,0) CALL plchhq(.16,0.1, '-3', 0.016,0.,0) CALL plchhq(.16,0.2, '0', 0.016,0.,0) CALL plchhq(.16,0.287, '3', 0.016,0.,0) CALL plchhq(.65,0.14,'mean', 0.014,0.,0) CALL plchhq(.16,0.313, '0', 0.016,0.,0) CALL plchhq(.16,0.49, '1', 0.016,0.,0) CALL plchhq(.65,0.46,'standard deviation', 0.014,0.,0) CALL plchhq(.11,0.3,'supersaturation (%)', 0.016,90.,0) CALL plchhq(.16,0.53, '10:S:-2', 0.016,0.,0) CALL plchhq(.16,0.65, '10:S:-1', 0.016,0.,0) CALL plchhq(.16,0.79, '10:S:0', 0.016,0.,0) CALL plchhq(.16,0.92, '10:S:1', 0.016,0.,0) CALL plchhq(.11,0.72,'radius (micron)', 0.016,90.,0) call frame call clsgks stop end subroutine dfclrs cc as on page 4-31 in NCAR Graphics Guide to New Utilities dimension rgbv(3,15) data rgbv / + 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, c dark blue into white + .00, .00, 1.0, + 1. , .5, 0., + 1.0, .50, 1.0, + .92, .92, .92, + .88, .88, .88, + .84, .84, .84, + .80, .80, .80, + .76, .76, .76, + .72, .72, .72, + .68, .68, .68, cc + 1.00, .00, .00 , + 0.00, 1.0, .0 , + 0.00, 0.0, 1.00 , + .00, 0.0, 0.00 + / c cc background color cc this is black call gscr(1,0,0.,0.,0.) cc this is Dons background, next is my modification cc call gscr(1,0,0.31,0.31,0.39) c call gscr(1,0,0.51,0.51,0.69) call gscr(1,0,1.00,1.00,1.00) c call gscr(1,0,0.00,0.00,0.25) c do 101 i=1,15 call gscr(1,i,rgbv(1,i),rgbv(2,i),rgbv(3,i)) 101 continue return end