These files cover most of the simulation domain (160°W to 100°W) and top 300m.
- 199*.nc: Daily averages
- metrics.nc: Grid cell metrics variables
4-hourly output along longitudinal lines at 110°W, 125°W, 140°W, 155°W.
This tar file contains all input files needed to run the Tropical
Pacific MITgcm regional model for the period from 1995 to 1997.
- The atmospheric forcing is derived by interpolating JRA55 forcing
data (),
- the bathymetry is an interpolated version of the GEBCO 2014
15-arcsecond product
- and the boundary data is interpolated from the Mercator 1/12 degree
physics reanalysis
The atmospheric forcing and boundary condition files have suffix
"1995-97", and are referenced in the MITgcm input files "data.exf" and
"data.obcs" in the run directory (./rundir). This directory also has
the MATLAB scripts that were used to generate these files, with prefix
"make_TPOS_". All files that are generated using these MATLAB scripts
are concatenated into their final form using the Python scripts with
prefix "combine".
The MITgcm run directory contains all input "data" files needed to run
the Tropical Pacific regional model. The HOLD subdirectory contains
MATLAB scripts to postprocess the MITgcm data and convert it to