Variable description AODVIS description = "Aerosol optical depth 550 nm, day only" ; units = None CLDHGH description = Vertically-integrated high cloud units = fraction CLDICE description = Grid box averaged cloud ice amount units = kg/kg CLDLIQ description = Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount units = kg/kg CLDLOW description = Vertically-integrated low cloud units = fraction CLDMED description = Vertically-integrated middle cloud units = fraction CLDTOT description = Vertically-integrated total cloud units = fraction CLOUD description = Cloud fraction units = fraction FLDS description = Downwelling longwave flux at surface units = W/m2 FLNS description = Net longwave flux at surface units = W/m2 FLNTC description = Clearsky net longwave flux at top of model units = W/m2 FLNT description = Net longwave flux at top of mode units = W/m2 FLUTC description = Clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model units = W/m2 FLUT description = Upwelling longwave flux at top of model units = W/m2 FSDSC description = Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface units = W/m2 FSDS description = Downwelling solar flux at surface units = W/m2 FSNSC description = Clearsky net solar flux at surface units = W/m2 FSNS description = Net solar flux at surface units = W/m2 FSNTC description = Clearsky net solar flux at top of model units = W/m2 FSNT description = Net solar flux at top of model units = W/m2 FSNTOA description = Net solar flux at top of atmosphere units = W/m2 ICEFRAC description = Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice units = fraction LANDFRAC description = Fraction of sfc area covered by land units = fraction LHFLX description = Surface latent heat flux units = W/m2 LWCF description = Longwave cloud forcing units = W/m2 OMEGA description = Vertical velocity (pressure) units = Pa/s PRECC description = Convective precipitation rate (liq + ice) units = m/s PRECL description = Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (liq + ice) units = m/s PRECSC description = Convective snow rate (water equivalent) units = m/s PRECSL description = Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent) units = m/s Q description = Specific humidity units = kg/kg SHFLX description = Surface sensible heat flux units = W/m2 SOLIN description = Solar insolation units = W/m2 SWCF description = Shortwave cloud forcing units = W/m2 TGCLDIWP description = Total grid-box cloud ice water path units = kg/m2 TGCLDLWP description = Total grid-box cloud liquid water path units = kg/m2 TMQ description = Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water units = kg/m2 T description = Temperature units = K TREFHT description = Reference height temperature units = K TS description = Surface temperature (radiative) units = K