This repository contains the model simulation and observational data used in the manuscript: Hendricks, E. A., J. C. Knievel, and D. S. Nolan, 2020: Evaluation of boundary-layer and urban-canopy parameterizations for simulating wind in Miami during Hurricane Irma (2017), J. Adv. Model. Earth Sys., submitted. There are six model simulations consisting of different planetary boundary layer (PBL) an urban canopy parameterizations. The PBL schemes are Mellor-Yamada-Janjic (MYJ) and Yonsei University. The urban canopy parameterizations are a simple bulk scheme and the multilayer Building Effects Parameterization (BEP). The observational data consists of Automated Surface Observing Systems (ASOS) stations of KPBI, KMIA, KPMP, the Fowey Rocks station from the National Data Buoy Center, the University of Miami Health Center WeatherStem station, and an observational wind swath analysis of Hurricane Irma from the National Hurricane Center (NHC). Individual files have been uploaded. The observational data files have the station names in the filenames. The WRF simulation names and descriptions are: - myj-bulk: MYJ PBL parameterization with the bulk scheme - myj-bep: MYJ PBL parameterization with BEP - myj-bep-cd0.2: MYJ PBL parameterization with BEP with drag coefficient of 0.2 - myj-bep-cd0.3: MYJ PBL parameterization with BEP with drag coefficient of 0.3 - ysu-bulk: YSU PBL parameterization with the bulk scheme - ysu-bep: YSU PBL parameterization with BEP