READ ME to accompany Southern Ocean calcification and alkalinity distribution experimental data published on DASH This dataset contains two types of CESM output files: 1) Means over the fifth inter-annual forcing (IAF) cycle File naming convention: mean_IAF5_{variable-name}.{experiment}.nc 2) Annual timeseries files Files naming convention: cesm22cocco.G1850ECOIAF.T62_g17.{cesm-case-number}.annual.{variable-name}.{experiment}.{simulation-year-segment}.nc Available experiments: 1) "control" : normal Southern Ocean calcification (cesm-case-number = 003) 2) "no_GCB" : no calcification south of 30°S (cesm-case-number = 003) 3) "2x_GCB" : double calcification south of 30°S (cesm-case-number = 004) 4) "100mDLS" : normal calcification but with 100m dissolution length scale (cesm-case-number = 009) 5) "1000mDLS" : normal calcification but with 1000m dissolution length scale (cesm-case-number = 010) All experimental data (excluding the "control") has "ALT_CO2" in front of the regular variable name.